Update on Carrie. She is still in the hospital w/ a fever. Her fever isn’t going down because the tumors are blocking the meds to get to the infection. She is on oral and IV antibiotics. They are real hopeful that the cancer can be treated by just removing them rather than more extensive measures. She will find out more today since these are just the preliminary findings and they are waiting for the biopsy results.
I haven’t spoken to her. Yesterday she wanted a day of rest w/ no phone calls and visitors. I called her house and spoke to her mother, who is in town for at least a week. I hope Sam is hanging in there. She is still nursed and probably hasn’t been able to in at least a week.
Friday night, Crispin puked all over Jack and then puked all over dad. But then he was all better by the time I got home. He was ready for bed as soon as I walked in the door, but of course I had to eat. I had just gotten home from a grand time at the Stampin’ Up party. This is my third party and I never end up buying a thing. It’s so hard to choose stuff and expensive. You need the paper, the different inks and all sorts of little do-dads to make up some cute cards. I know it’s more for the fellowship, but I do feel bad when I leave w/ out making a purchase. It was fun chatting and laughing like a bunch of giddy school girls.
The pastor came down after the party was wrapping up and asked how I was doing and how Mr. Carter was doing. I told him all about Clint making it to the Alpha Course and he said, “Yes, I know these things!” Then he went on to ask more questions. I feel like I am Clint’s emotional voice – like I can add more to the conversation than just nice pleasantries. I give background information and probably talk a mile a minute, but get all that I think he would like to know. Men – they don’t know how to put so much emo into one conversation. Next time him and Clint meet for coffee, Ken will have more topics to discuss. I think these two are exactly alike, if you ask me - Intelligent seekers that want more out of what they hear and read that they take it upon themselves to do their own research.
****Carrie just called right now and she is feeling much better. Her fever is staying at a temp where they feel comfortable to send her home. Hopefully, she will get some good news today.********
Is there an echo in the house?
Crispin is talking so much and usually repeats the last 2 words of what we are saying. Lately, he’s been referring to things as “my” if he wants me to “ticko” his knees, he will say, “My knees” and lift up his pants. I heard him say, “my juice” In some instances he still in Neanderthal communication w/ grunts, but for the most part he let’s us know what he wants pretty well. Last night, he was having a hard time falling asleep, so I stood up to rock him and then when I thought he was asleep, I got back into bed and he said, “Walk mama walk!” I told him mama was tired and he needed to lay down w/ me and then he said, “ticko my knees.” No matter how tired you are, that little voice makes your heart swell.
He LOVES his snow boots! He’s just like J. I’m debating buying him cowboy boots or rain boots. Maybe rain boots now and then cowboy boots later on. I hope he’s not too much a freak about clothing like J was.
Debbie is lending me a couple of sweater patterns and I’m so excited to get back into knitting something. I found a couple of cute patterns for
felted bags at knit picks and I would like to try them out. I’m feeling much better and ready to get into doing something other than just gauging what I am feeling like every minute. The last 3 days, I have thrown up – 2 times because of smells but yesterday there was no warning. I wondered if I might have caught what Creaky had because on the way home from church, J puked all over the back seat. We were pretty close to home, so I was able to get out of the car quick and Clint had to clean it up. J said he felt much better afterwards and that was the end of that. S has been staying away so he doesn’t get it while he’s on the ski trip. I talked to Rina and thanked her for having S w/ them and she kept saying how it’s their pleasure to have him along and how she thinks of him as part of their family. It was sweet. Just as long as they aren’t brain washing him or anything, I’m okay w/ it all.