Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sickies have come!

So, yesterday I spent the day feeling like crud. It didn't matter what I did, I felt awful. By evening I felt a little better and dinner was okay but I couldn't shake the feeling. No barfing as of yet and I'm trying to eat protein often but I'm getting to that point where making food is a chore and eating it is an even bigger chore. I know it will pass and then I will have totally wiped it from my memory and think how it was such a short span of time and why was I crying about it?? I have to add that my nipples hurt so badly and everytime Creaky latches on, I feel like he's pinching and twisting them w/ all his might. I kept thinking it was him being a little more aggressive but when I got in the shower and that water hit my chest - I thought I would die. And anyone who knows how bad our shower sucks and how little pressure comes out of the shower head - I must be in pretty bad shape for that spittle of water to hurt!

Last night after dinner, S and I were downstairs cleaning up dinner and he asked if I had already told J and I said I hadn't but we will soon. I asked him how he was feeling about it today and he said he was in a "state of disbelief" he woke up that morning wondering if it was all a dream. I told him we have had a few weeks to wrap our minds around it and so he may need the same. He said it just seems so "boom boom" meaning not much time has passed since having Creaky. He started asking me questions like how it happenend...just kidding - I'm sure he knows how it happened! No, just asking questions like, when did I go to the Dr., who else knew, would I be finding out what I'm having and would I be having a homebirth. He said he hoped it was a girl and how he would be almost 13 years old. I said how he would be old enough to babysit and he said he could probably do this time around w/out hesistation. I told him that was cool that he felt confident like that. He said he would only do it if he got paid. Of course, I said.

Later that night Clint and I were laying in bed and I was so sick that I said I can't even think of baby names and we started joking around w/ some really bad names. Not even names, but more like labels. It was funny and was a bit of comic relief that I needed.

I'm taking the day off today. Skipping moms' group and calling Lan to tell her to keep Alan home w/ her today. I need a day to do nothing of course I clean tonight but that's way later. I'm going to make CeCi Zopa - Garbanzo Bean soup today and hopefully that will hit the spot. Angie is coming over around noon to hang out - I hope I'm not going to be a bad host and lay on the couch the whole time.


Blogger leaner said...

It sounds like S is totally going to be fine with it. It does seem BOOM BOOM, but maybe Creaky will have a built in best friend. I know that G'Rat was my best friend for most of my life. It was nice to have someone to share w/ and talk to. I was thankful for him on family vacations and even boring summers.

Sorry you are feeling sickies, I think mine are still vivid enough in my mind (from last year) that I can still be offended by certain smells (soft soap handsoap- ewww.)

Have a good restful day!

7:45 AM  
Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

How about carrying a lemon with you trick? Every time you feel a little nauseated by a smell (or thought), just scratch the surface of the peel and emit some of that scent. it's cleansing smell.
and 365 brand ginger ale? that was my saving grace last pregnancy (that and Vernors which I can't drink anymore as a result of associating it with vomiting!)
good for you for drawing some limits and caring for yourself.

9:08 AM  
Blogger leaner said...

lemon works, UNLESS lemon is the smell you despise! It was w/ Rhayn and it took me until I was pg w/ Bug to be able to smell it again w/o the vomit association! LOL

9:38 AM  
Blogger Hayduke said...

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5:08 PM  

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