Thursday, January 26, 2006

mopey mope mope...

Today has been such a blah day for me. I am allowing myself to feel like crap. I know I get like this a few times a year, so I know it's not all weather related. I usually spring back just fine but need a day or two to just veg. I woke up at about 3:30 this morning and stayed awake till about 6:30-7. I was just thinking about our trip to visit family this summer would DEFINITELY NOT happen and it made me sad. As much as I try to think we could swing it, it's not possible.

Just a few weeks ago, I was under the "spell of visiting my family" I was excited to plan that in just a few more months we could be in the Sunny Southwest. I had it all planned out how it would be possible to come up w/ the funds and how we would do it as thrifty has possible. Still, after finding out we would be having another baby, I thought it was possible. It would be nice in a situation like this to not have to feel like we have to choose: Save for a bigger vehicle or visit family. Why the heck can't we do both, I go into my bratty whine complete w/ stomping my feet. Not to mention, paying our midwife a decent sum. Even though she has said beer and posole would do -you don't want to stiff your midwife for a vacation.

I know this is where we are now and I love the situation we are in. Clint is enjoying his school and all is good on the home front. I wouldn't change it for the world. I love how it's all worked out and I know everything from this moment on will work out just fine. I just need to vent and process in this moment and record it so I can look back at this and marvel at all that will transpire.


Blogger leaner said...

I am sorry that you won't be able to come and visit, however, it will all be worth it.

Sometimes you do just have to wallow in self pity for a little while, in order to remember what is good about your life. I remember doing that last year, I remember doing it often, because I felt like I wanted more out of life.
So mope away, and laugh at yourself in a few weeks when you totally feel better! (and feel silly for being Mopey McMoperson!)

10:34 AM  
Blogger lvh said...

I am sorry you won't be able to come to the reunion too. Was looking forward to seeing how much those two oldest have grown and to finally meet the little one. But to hear number 4 is on the way - how exciting for all of you. Maybe this one will be a girl. Take care.

7:09 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

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7:23 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

Thanks both of you for your comments. I'm glad I had a day to just mope. I'm mostly sad for the boys to not be able to get to see all their cousins and have fun camping. Another time. Anyway, our trip was wishful thinking so it is probably better that we have a concrete reason why we can't make it. A bigger vehicle for another kid is worth it. Don't know about the girl thing - I've become "girl phobic" since having Crispin. I might be eating these words too, so I won't say anymore

7:32 AM  

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