Sunday, July 30, 2006

End of the weekend - boring stuff

Weekend has come and gone. How come those two days seem to fly by? The boys had a great time fishing and will probably go again next Saturday. Crispin and I were invited - but I don't know about the getting up at 5 in the a.m. That's a little too early for me and for what? I would just sit there all uncomfortable and wish I was back in my comfy bed. We will see, I know Crispin wants to go and I don't know if Clint would take him w/ out an extra pair of hands to help out.

I've been doing some clothes shopping for the boys and besides not having shoes for them, I think they are done. I'm so proud of my thrifty-ness - I bought S all 5 of his jeans all for under $5 EACH! I shopped at the outlet stores in MO w/ Monica and bought a pair there and then I was given a coupon and so I went to some here and got him a few pairs. They are all different styles so it's not like I bought him the same kind. I bought all his polos for about the same price too. Clint found him a pair of cool looking tennis shoes for $5 and then yesterday we found him a pair of black chucks on clearance for $9. So he has 2 pairs of shoes to start out with BUT the pair he REALLY wants are $50 -- on sale! I'm sorry, I can't pay that much. He's offered to pay for part of them, but Clint thinks that is sad and would like if we didn't make him to that. We will see what we figure out. I have a coupon for 15% off that we can use if we decide to get them for him. I really like them too and would like for him to have them but the price gets me because there is still
Jack to buy for too. Jack is much more pickier and for some reason we never find too many of the things he likes on clearance. You would think his stuff would be a dime a dozen, but it just doesn't work out that way. He's set in shirts but he might be needing pants, but I will hold out and see if any go on clearance after school has started. (Jack found matching shirts for him and Creaky. He asked if he could dress this next baby but I think Creaky would enjoy looking like his big brother more. Now, we are trying to find similar clothes for the two. I am not a fan of sports clothing but Jack is and it makes him happy to see Creaky dress that style) He needs shoes too and I would like for him to have at least 2 pairs because he is pretty hard on his stuff. We found a pair of adidas for him on clearance but they were still almost $40 - too much still. I won't pay a dime if I can get it for a nickel, so hopefully they will get marked down a bit more before school starts and he could have at least one new pair.
I am not in the mood to shop for me at all. I will not be buying anymore maternity clothes and I don't know the shape my body will take on after the baby. Winter will be coming and I will be able to wear loose stretchy clothes and I think I saved a few pants that I got at a clothing exchange after I had Creaky. We will see how long it will take me to get that itch to buy new clothes.

As far as baby things - if we have another boy, he will be set through the winter. If we have a girl, she will be good for about a month or so in unisex clothes. My only big purchase I would like to make would be a sit and stand stroller, but that won't be needed for awhile since I will be able to sling the babe and push Crispin in the stroller. Plus, winter comes and we aren't going out for walks much anymore, so it's not something I must have NOW, but I will be saving up for one later. That's it, I havent' put much umph in preparing for this baby, I figured I only needed an infant car seat and I would be good to go. I have one coming - I should probably get in touch with her soon. I also have a co-sleeper coming - that was something I wanted but didn't want to put too much energy into thinking about getting. You really don't need too much and it seems like everyone is always getting rid of baby things. With S, it seemed like we were the only ones in the world borrowing baby things or buying used. We didn't have that luxury of purchasing every baby item on the babies 'r us list. You don't need half that stuff anyway!

It's time for bed or at least for us to get comfy and watch a movie. I think we are going to watch a documentary called Prom Night in Kansas city or the movie Crash. I'm in the mood for something funny, so we will see.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Another week down

Another week that seemed to have dragged a$$. Nothing much went on. Creaky had his 2 year check up at the Dr. and that was uneventful. I forgot our insurance had requested he get his blood checked before the appt. His lead levels were fine - something I have always been curious about w/ each kid. I don't know where they would have become exposed to it but it seems like nobody ever really does when they talk about it. He had a mildly low hematorit (#red blood cells) and they suggested I use Floradix. We left on vacation before I could get it and I worried all vacation long that he was slowly getting sicker and sicker. By the time we got home and back into our routine, I had forgotten all about it. I "think" he's fine but who knows. I forgot all about it until S asked how he checked out at the Dr. and told him he has fine and how much he weighed and that was about it. He then asked about his blood and I said, "oh crap - I forgot all about that!" He wasn't too thrilled w/ that answer. I bet he thinks I'm such a bad mother. In a few weeks we will be participating in the "National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey" We were the chosen few - the boys and I. Clint didn't make the cut - he's white and male and therefore didn't qualify. They were focusing on hispanic families and especially pregnant women. So they will be doing a bunch of test on all of us - something like $400 worth. Dental exames, test on our water, dust samples and the boys will be given pedometers for a week to see how active they are. It's a survey conducted by the NHANES for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It's designed to learn about the health and diet of the people in the United States. The crazy thing is we all get paid for participating and we will get the results from all the tests run. So, hopefully I will find out if Crispin is still in the mild zone because that will be something they will be looking for. We will see - that is coming up in another week or so.

That is pretty much the highlight of the week. Today Clint and the older boys went fishing. Something that Clint didn't care to do in Michigan. He has this loyalty to AZ when it comes to fishing and hunting. He shook it off and took the boys and a friend. Jack has always been the patient fisherman. A few months before we moved to Mi we went fishing and Jack being a few months older than 2, sat on a log and waited and waited for a fish to pull his line. He showed great patience for such a young age. They got to fish at the reunion and both the boys enjoyed it so much they begged to do it in MI. So, they got out of the house at about 5 this morning and hopefully are having a good time.

I guess I should get moving before they get home and Crispin and I look like we just woke up. I don't think we have much planned for the rest of the day or weekend.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Quote of the day

I think I'm going to become a republican. It's much easier, you don't have to think about anyone but yourself.


Monday, July 24, 2006

Weekend stuff

My week ended and boy was I exhausted! I had Finn for a few hours and the baby and even though everything went smoothly, by the time everyone went home (they were both picked up by 4) I was so wiped out! My feet and legs have been hurting lately and so I put on my running shoes to give me more support on my arches, but it didn't remedy the situation. I figured I needed a good rest and this was the perfect weekend to do just that. By Saturday afternoon I was feeling better and Jack was invited to a friends house and S was going to be staying the night at a friends, so Clint and I figured we could go out w/ just creaky and do some Ikea wandering. It ended up Jack nor S went w/ friends but opted to stay home while we headed out.

Ikea was an experience that I'm glad I finally got to check out. I've always wanted to buy a dresser there for the boys, but there was never a store nearby. I was able to touch and feel and see the dresser w/ my own eyes and it's made from cheap stuff, but I think it will do the job. The price is not bad for the quality. That will be something we will have to buy at another time though. We ended buying a colorful rug for the living area - it so does not go w/ our decor, but it will do for the daycare look and it was very inexpensive. It makes a difference having a rug on the hardwood floors, Crispin will sit down and read books or just sit on it and play. I had one in the basement, that I brought up a few weeks ago, it makes it softer for putting the baby under the soft mobile type thing. That one was so little and it looked awkward and it needed a rug grippper to make it stay in one place. I bought another cheap like rug for the boys room now that they have a TV in there. I can't believe I let them have a TV in their room. Everytime they have asked, I would say when you move out you can have your own. They have shown us through out the years, they can divide up their time and not be stuck to any one thing. So, I don't think the TV will be too big of an issue. I'm in the TV mood too, so I am all about sitting in front of it when I have a chance and that is usually when it's bed time.

Clint is working at Motor Meals today and both Jack and I were reluctant to let him out of the house. It's easy to get used to him being home, we are able to sit and have all our meals together and I'm able to intereact w/ an adult through out the day. I better get my fill because when school starts i'm flying solo. I'm not dreading it as much as I was a few months ago. I hope to start some pre-school curriculum M-W after I take some time off when the baby comes. I still hope to have my Thurs and Fri off, but we will see. Clint is going to be super busy this coming semester, but he thrives on that.

I need to get the baby up or else she will sleep and sleep all day. Her mama will be here to nurse in a few minutes.

Friday, July 21, 2006

tis the season for blooming friendships....

just thinking about the wonderful friendships that have bloomed in the last few months for Clint. What a lucky guy - (what a lucky wife (me!)) to have been graced by these awe-inspiring men.

It seems like a few years ago, I gave in to the notion that I just might be the only friend Clint would ever want or need. It was the year we started gardening together - summer of.... 2002? I made a conscience decision to "include" him into my circle of friends and not so much treat him as "the husband" I remember when we were driving home from having a wonderful time at the garden w/ our newly acquired garden friends and we were talking about taking a Master course in gardening. I told him that would be something we should do and he said, "yeah, you should invite one of your friends to go w/ you to it." I said something to the fact that I would want him to come w/ me and not anyone else and "how he was my best friend." He took it nonchalantly and it wasn't till weeks later that he told me how astounding it was to hear those words come out of my mouth.

As the years past, I knew he wanted to build strong relations with other men but just not anyone. He wanted solid, multifaceted friendships that would last till the end of time. I knew it bothered him that he wasn't in any kind of situations that would lead him to such things and at the same time it was comforting to know that he had a desire for this. I started to know that I wasn't meant to be that sole person for him and what he desired, I just couldn't fill.

School started and in a few months he met a super-natural person, A. The guy is smart, witty, cool, street smart and down to earth. He's a minister at a church in Ohio but is not preachy, instead A is full of captivating charming words. Clint and A would run into each other on the bus and would have flowing conversations that Clint would come home and relay to me and I would think, what a divine intervention!

Finally, at the beginning of summer I had the chance to meet this fellow. He's funny, polite and very young! He's married to a lawyer wife w/ two kids. She does pro bono work and will be starting the same program as these guys are doing this fall. I had the chance to meet her briefly at the grocery store a few weeks ago. We haven't had a chance to all get together yet, but these guys are burning up the trails w/ walks or bike rides at least 3 days a week.

It's exciting to see these friendships unfold. The other friend is just as awesome and wise. The boys really enjoy them both and have asked to do things w/ them as well, like fishing or camping. Last night A was over and was teaching the boys football stuff since he played college ball and he had a captivated audience, I'm sure.

If the phone rings, it's most likely not for me anymore and ends up being for Clint. Although, A did call the other day and since Clint wasn't home asked "how the lady of the house was doing." So, we had a nice half hour conversation. I think he's from the rough streets of Philly, but I don't want to assume. He has an inner-city-wisdom that comes out in the most prophetic way that you know he has been truly touched to live and speak the way he does.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Our day at the lake

We had such a great time today at the lake and the good thing about it was it wasn't an all day thing. It didn't take us long to get there and then we only stayed there for like 2 hours and then we left. The boys had a good time and I think we will try to get there again before the season is over.

I'm pretty tired, so I am off to bed or something. I kinda feel like eating something chocolately, will I regret it if I can't fall asleep or if I get insomnia? It might be worth it!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I just came in from outside, where this petite asian woman made the signs of "WOW! you have a pregnant belly!" She then asked, "august?" I said, "no, september." She said "Very BIG!" and made her eyes and arms wide. I said, "no, just right and made the sign for A-OK." That was it, she had her say. In the past few days people are stopping to stare and even the check-out girls are asking how much longer. As long as I don't feel that big, I think I can handle going to the end w/ out doing everything under the sun to get the baby out. Remind me that I said that when i'm 2 weeks overdue!

I wonder if it had anything to do w/ the biggest steak I've ever eaten at one sitting a few minutes before? Because, I did feel huge but I think I would have felt like that despite a pregnant belly. I was stuffed and still am, even though dinner was about an hour ago. It was so good, so I am not complaining one bit. We ran into Whole foods yesterday and Clint picked out some steaks that were a decent price for whole foods (more like WHOLE PAYCHECK!) When we were getting ready for dinner he said we needed enough sides because we only had 3 steaks, but when he got them out the package, they were the biggest juicest steaks we've seen this side of costco! AND for only 12 bucks! They were even better grilled and we all ate in silence w/ the occasional moan. I made the cranberry, walnut, gorgonzola spinach salad w/ raspberry dressing that I have been eating non stop all summer. That was a perfect side to this meal. Clint grilled up some squash from the garden but I didn't like it today. Yesterday, I was all over it. We thought 3 steaks weren't enough, but we ended up w/ leftovers. Oh - that was a scrumptious meal but I'm so full right now that the thought of it, isn't appealing. Time to change the subject.

Creaky has done super these past days w/ out diapers. He has gone on the potty every time and we are not asking him every minute if he needs to use the restroom either. He did wake up this morning wet, but not fully. I think he woke up when he realized what was happening and then got up to use the potty. I was prepared w/ a little top cover, so that I wouldn't have to change sheets every day if he didn't wake up on time. If he sleeps in, then he's more likely to have an accident. Kinda like the way I feel pregnant, I end up getting out of bed and getting my day started since I was up anyway.

Older boys have been such helpers lately. I was thinking if we lived on a farm back in the day and we had an option to send the boys to school, we would probably keep jack home w/ us since he is so helpful. A few days in a row he's made us all egg burritos for lunch and cinnamon sugar burritos. He made pretzels himself and that is no fun usually. I usually prepare the dough for them but this time he did it all. I was not in the mood to deal w/ the dough and baking - too hot! This morning he woke up and made blueberry pancakes for everyone. He helped me sweep and then mopped the whole house. He's not even getting paid for any of this. I did pay him this week to organize one of the bookshelves that has been driving me crazy for the past few months. I paid S to clean the stairs by sweeping them and then cleaning them w/ pine-sol and a sponge. Those where the two things that I have been putting off doing. I guess I am getting a bit of the nesting bug, but it's not obsessive...yet.

I just got an email from a good friend in AZ saying she had a stroke a few weeks ago. I was shocked to here that, she says she's doing better but that is all she wrote. I feel bad because she was on my mind for weeks and then when we were in AZ, I wanted to call her and tell her we were there but we didn't have time to see her. We did say a big "HI" when we went through Gilbert. I need to listen to these things and respond to them again, you never know what is happening on their end and how spending a few minutes to call or write would speak volumes. I say, AGAIN, because I used to be so good about doing that sort of thing but in the last few months/ years? I've gotten a bit more selfish and fast to say how I don't feel like it or I'm too busy. Clint thought of a friend of ours while we were in NM and so we sent them a postcard from there. I thought that was pretty neat that he thought of them and then helped pick out a postcard for us to send and I just happened to have my address book on me!

I need to learn that you cannot blog w/ a mischevious 2 year old around. While I'm sitting here writing as fast as I can, he's pouring detergent in the dryer! Ugh! a mess I am NOT dealing w/ right now.

I'm out!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's Potty Time!

For the past 3 months Creaky has been playing w/ the idea of NOT using diapers. It started off cute and of course I thought he would lose interest and not show any till almost 3 or so. Needless to say, for the last 2 months we have been playing, "oops, I just went pee on the floor and I do NOT want my diaper on!" So, it's been a bit annoying for me to have to deal with this. I wouldn't have even started him potty training until way later - just wanted a 3 day session and be done w/ it. I also didn't want to go all out with him before vacation and deal with him on the road...i'm too lazy for that sort of upkeep. I thought I would get him his own potty chair if he continued to show interest after our trip. Before leaving on our trip, I heard the most horrible story about a little girl using her potty and then proceeding to walk down the stairs w/ it to show her mother. Can you say, "biohazard suit?" I totally envisioned Creaky doing the same. He has gone poop in the potty a few times w/ out letting us know until after he's done and flushed, so I could totally see him trying to get his chair down the stairs to show us.

Today, I went out and bought him a new package of race car underwear at his request. He has showed in the last 2 days that he really knows what he's feeling when it comes to using the potty. He even did the little potty dance when he realized he needed to pee. We haven't had any wet spots on the floor or surprise dukies either. He hasn't peed at night since he was about 16-18 months old, so I don't even have that as a concern. I guess he's turn that corner and is really done w/ diapers. I will save a few in case he regresses when the baby is born - you hear that story going around all the time too. I'm just happy that he turned that corner and isn't just denying diapers for the fun of it. We will see what the next few days bring.

***Today, he went poop on his own while he was supposed to be taking a rest with me. I thought for sure he was getting in the medicine cabinet and I was just hoping there wasn't anything in there that he could be dying from while I continued to rest. A few minutes later he yelled, "Mom, clean my butt!!" Of course, I jumped up to make sure the poop was where it was supposed to be and it was. He even put his seat on the toilet and tried to pull gobs of toilet paper for me. How considerate! My boy's all growed up!

I forgot to add - At Easter he got Elmo underwear and ever since then when he would ask for underwear he would call them, "elmowear." It's so cute to hear him say that. And it's working again the whole, "don't pee on elmo, it will make him sad!" I used that with S and his barney underwear and it seemed to work. I picked up 2 pairs of blue's clue underwear at a clothing exchange and the other day he peed in them and so we changed him into his elmowear and he said, "don't pee on elmo, make him sad, pee on blue's clues." So funny this kid!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Target called...

Target called and said they needed my money. Do I sound as facetious as gra'ma Carter? She always says that when she calls but instead of Target it's Walmart.

I went into Target on Sat. to buy a new cordless phone. I zapped mine - don't even ask. and instead of plucking the 30 bucks down for one, I chose not too. I was excited to buy batteries and nothing else. BUT then I went through the end caps of the bedding aisles and fell in love. I've been wanting some new sheets for my Sept. baby but it wasn't a priority. When I had Crispin, I put on my "grody" sheets on my bed so if they got stained or something, I wouldn't care. We ended up not using the bed and so the sheets were saved. Now, those sheets are my favorite and they are now called my "crispin sheets" and I put them on our bed for his b-day. So, I wanted to buy another set to have for Sept. My other 2 sheet sets are my favorites and I would be a bit bummed if they got ruined. So, at target I find a duvet and it's at a decent price (15 bucks for a king!) Just before we left for vacation I washed my sheets and comforter so we could come home to nice clean bed. The night we got home, whatever chocolate dessert we had got on Crispin's foot and of course all over my comforter. We didn't notice till the morning, so there I go again in washing the thing and putting it out to dry outside. So, a duvet was something that I had put on my long list of stuff. Jack found the matching sheet set and that too was on clearance for $15 bucks! I know I shouldn't have spent the money, but while I was pondering it, I asked "what would mom do?" She would think I was a thrify shopper and would have approved! I am pretty happy w/ my purchase and the sacrifice is I have to be tethered to the phone if I get a phone call.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Did any of you reunion folks find picture CD's laying around? I think I might have forgotten them somewhere at camp. I lost track of everything in those few moments before we left. All those pictures we had to pose for wore me out! I forgot my fleece and the puppy chow that Pen-nut gave to Creaky on a rock, so please if our cd's were left behind it was not intentional and we would really like another copy sent to us. Thanks - Again thanks for a great time and wonderful memories to add to our hearts!

What a vacation!

From the moment we loaded up our van to the moment we arrived in our parking lot, we had a grand old time. The boys enjoyed every place we visited and never stopped smiling the whole time. Crispin hammed it up for the gra'mas in NM. It seemed like we had to tie a toy or a candy around their necks to get the other boys to even acknowledge them. It was sad. Crispin enjoyed each gra'ma and made them feel special in his 2 year old way. He nicknamed Abuelita, "gra'ma ita" It was cute. Everyone got a kick out of him. One thing I wouldn't do again is plan a trip to see my family for only one whole day. What was I thinking? I think we are so used to putting our feelings aside and being practical that we don't demand more from each other. I knew what it was going to be like, but didn't want to think too much about it. Mom was saying a prayer for safe travels and she just started sobbing, I mean just blubbery sobbing, I lost it too realizing how little time we actually had and also NOT knowing when we would get to see each other again. That was the saddest moment of the trip and one that I hope to never repeat again. Hopefully, it will all work out for her to come with the baby is born. The last time I was pregnant she said if I had a girl it would tempt her more to move out here with us. We will see, but then again who knows where we will be next April. My brother wasn't too much this time, although he has no couth when it comes to certain situations. He practically made us go to a mexican restraunt in old mesilla and so mom, not one to disagree w/ him because she thinks he knows what he's talking about, agreed. So we all drive there and we get there and he has his 2 kids and his g-friends 2 with him and tells us in the parking lot that he's not hungry and they will meet us at the square after we are done eating. Good enough, I think. He shows up 10 minutes later w/ big gulps from the local gas station w/ his brood in tow and sits down taking up 2 tables in this tiny place and doesn't order a thing! He then asks to be moved closer to us and sits there and watches us eat. It was very nerve wrecking having him there knowing he wasn't eating and making the waiter cater to their needs. That's just the kind of person he is and will always be, I guess.

The rest of the vacation just got better and better. It was so sweet to see the boys playing w/ their cousins and having fun. It makes you think about being closer to family, but you know that it's not always going to be like that because life gets hectic and people get busy. I have to bring myself back to reality on how life would really be if we lived near family. Whatever will be, will be.

The MO family really has a soft spot in my heart and I don't know why. I too want to live on F highway and be near gra'ma and make pickles or strawberry jam. I want the boys to ride on tractors and learn horse stuff from someone who knows a thing or two about them. I want to be far from town and only go in once in awhile for major shopping, but still be surrounded by these people. I don't know - maybe in my former life I was a country girl living off the land and enjoying the simple life. Again, I need to adjust my rose colored glasses and realize things can just as hairy and uncertain on many acres of land. I always leave that place w/ thoughts of country life.

Baby traveled well and no major concerns came up. I can't believe all that we got in in less than 2 weeks time. Our scratch and dent special of a van got us there and back and is still going strong. What a gift to have a car that can get us clear across the plains to the heat of the desert and deliver back to our starting point.

I keep waiting for Creaky to interrupt me and make me stop typing, but he sounds like he's having a ball upstairs w/ the boys and dad. I should still get moving off this thing and -oh here they all come down the basement...