Sunday, October 30, 2005


I never make it down to the basement to blog, but I had pictures that I have been wanting to post. I have a chance to get them all on one post!

This is our front yard
(I had to hurry and get a picture - the vacuum truck was around the corner)

This is our backyard - transformed into a pumpkin patch

This is Biff

(part of the bourgeosie post I was suppse to work on!)

This is Biff's Father, Clifford

This is Biff's mother, Tamalina respectively from Europe

(are those gaucho pants she's wearing? I thought they went out of style in the 80's? - Wait and are those clogs?)

I will be getting a picture soon of Jack and his new pet - A Leopard Gecko. He's so proud of it and worked hard saving his money to pay for half. He was fortunate enough to find a used aquarium on the side of the dumpster and was crafty enough to sell his old video games at the yard sales to make a whopping $25 that day! Way to go Jack! He's going to be a great pet owner!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sweet as pie Caseworker and the saga of bad teeth...

So, just got a call from our caseworker - sweet as pie. She was writing up our hearing and she just wanted to verify that I understood why our case was closed. I told her I did know why but it has to do more with the fact that we were never notified that it was closed. Long story short -I get to re-submit the forms that Clint hand delivered because that is what is missing. Good thing we were smart enough to make copies or else it would be another 5 weeks of waiting. So, instead of re-applying I will be re-submitting the forms that are needed! I'm so so so so happy. Makes my life easier by just doing that! We will see what comes of it all but hopefully we will be getting some food assistance because our rent money was running out and it wasn't even December! Not only that but Crispin is in need of some dental work - as luck or genetics would have it he is cursed with some bad teeth. This is for another story. Right now prayers are much appreciated for the saving of his baby teeth. Yes, there is a chance that they may need to pull all 4 top teeth. It's sad sad sad and I will come to terms with it as soon as I find out more - but for now I'm walking in faith that it will all work out and we will get through it no matter what the outcome is. It's such a stigma - Bad teeth = Bad parents. I need to continue to do my research and arm myself with knowledge so that I can overcome any kind of negative biases that are thrown my way. I have already been much enlightened by a friend who photocopied a great article for me from New Beginnings - La Leche League Magazine. It was wonderful and it shed more light on the matter with letters from other parents who have gone through this. It made me feel less guilty and more empowered. Doesnt' change the situation but takes the sting out!

Slime, socks and silver linings...

So on Monday we find out that our case has been closed! Closed since Sept. 6! Of course that just throws Clint and I in an upheaval. He had been deligently calling our case worker AND 2 of her supervisors every week at least 2 or 3 times and leaving messages on their VM for the last 3 weeks. The last time I had called was 2 weeks after the 6th and she was such a BIOTCH that I swore I would never call her again. This is grating on Clint's nerves the whole time because I refuse to deal with her and he's had to be the one calling AND do school work too. So, that had been a heated debate in itself and then to top it off unbeknown to us our case was closed because of not having the papers turned in on time. I spoke with her on Sept. 10 because all th forms she requested hadn't been sent back to us and she said she would extend it by 5 days. I guess she forgot and shut our case when she noticed the forms not in by the 6th. Very annoying and I find myself getting worked up on just the thought of it all. So, Clint requested a hearing because we were not properly notified and I will be there re-applying on Thursday. I hope we don't need to prove anything from Clint's old employment because they send it directly to the office and I think it gets lost in the shuffle. I had all the other forms sent back to us and then we made copies before we turned them in. I hate this kind of rig-a-ma-role when things get screwed up like that -it really affects us - not just money or lack of health insurance (Thank God - we didn't take Crispin to the ER!) but it throws Clint and I for a loop and before you know it we are acting like we are not on the same team. I can totally handle all the other shit but when we are divided like that - that is what gets me thinking that I would rather be someplace else! Again, I am happy for short lived emotions - give me a few hours and I'm good to go. Of course I had to call mom and let it out and take a couple of Excedrin PM's during the day - just joking I took them at bedtime.

I will get there bright and early tomorrow and pray that we get another case worker that has some empathy and that our old case worker gets her fingers stuck in a stapler! Part of me wants to go ghetto on her if I see her - like she needs to know how she has screwed us over. The other part of me takes inventory of all that we have and how we could be in a worse place with all this.

Yesterday I thought was a good day to try to wrap my head around a sock pattern. I found a very nice step by step tutorial with great instructions and pictures online. I'm starting at the top of the sock and have about 1/4 of inch done. I'm hoping that tomorrow while I'm waiting to see the case worker, I can get to the heel part. That is where my head starts to spin. I will probably have at least 1 to 2 hours of sitting there, so it will be perfect timing. K is taking Crispin for me - bless her!

Since last Friday, Crispin seems to be doing much better with the marathon nursing. He's taken an interest in food and in milk from a cup. If I tell him "no nurse -- get your milk" he jumps out of my lap and finds his cup and forgets all about nursing. It's down to 3 times a day. Once in the morning and once before nap then he nurses to sleep. Last night he only woke up once to nurse! I can handle one or the other - if he marathon nurses during the day and at night - I will go nuts! So, I am finding much pleasure in this turn of events. It's the silver lining in the muck!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Felted Purse Before and After

I'm not too sure I like the shape. Let's just hope Amanda does! It was fun making it. I'm on to socks now!

My 1920's name

Your 1920's Name is:
Elvina Esperanza

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Nursemaid's Elbow Part Deux

Last year about this time, Crispin was learning how to roll over and it was very endearing to watch him just almost make, but no, he would roll back to his tummy or his back. One morning he was on his back and he rolled over to his tummy but his arm was stuck behind him, the kind brothers that he has, helped him get his arm unstuck. I had to work at Emily's that day and so I get him ready and he's a bit fussy when I put on his jacket and when I put him in his car seat. I do think it's unusual but I'm not alarmed. At Emily's he stayed in the swing and slept for most of the time I was there. When I go to put him in the car seat this time, he screams and now I'm worried. I get home and notice he's not using his left arm. I panick and call Clint and he says to make sure I let the ER know that HE was not home at the time it happened. Thanks alot - I tell him! I take Crispin in to urgent care and they diagnose him w/ nursemaid's elbow. They pop it back into place and after about 15 minutes he's still not using it. So, they have to do an X-ray to make sure nothing more is wrong. After 3 hours, he gets a clean bill of health and we are sent home with a sheet of paper explaining what just happened and how to avoid it again.

Here we are almost a year to the date later and Crispin is dealing with Nursemaid elbow part deux. They said after he gets it once he would be prone to getting it again. GREAT! So today after church we run into the store to get wrapping paper and me, like a stupid, choose NOT to put Crispin in a buggy because we would be quick. As soon as we walk in the store he starts looking around like Taz the Tazmanian devil wondering which aisle to destroy first. Slade darts off to a section he wants to check out and I am left to deal with Taz. I try to engage him in helping me find the perfect roll of paper, but he has plans of his own. I manage to grab a roll and even a B-day card that will fit the occasion before I have to pick up all the rolls he has thrown all over the aisle. I chase after him and pick him up and start walking thinking all is cool and I have some time to check out what else there is in this souped up dollarchain. I put Crispin down and hold his left hand and he has his coat on, so I hold on extra tight. He thinks it's his chance to run the opposit direction and so like a bucking bronco, he takes off opposite from where I am standing and talking to Slade. He doesn't get far before he falls onto the seat of his pants and I feel a nice big "POP." I know that's he's done what I dread will happen everytime I grab for his hand. Immediately he starts to cry and I'm hoping he's crying because he's not able to run off, but as I look at his limp wrist, I know it's Urgent Care for us.

I get home and tell Clint and of course we are still uninsured, despite our many calls to our caseworker and 2 supervisors regarding status of our case. I call Laura and leave a message for her husband, who is an ER assistant to physicians. I wait and nurse Crispin, and he's clearly in pain when we try to move his hand, I'm wondering it it's his wrist and not his elbow from the way he's acting. I finally get all the snacks, books, drinks and anything else that will help pass the 3 hours waiting. We are about 2 minutes from U of M Hospital.

In triage, they put an ID bracelet on Crispin's leg and he freaks out. He keeps crying and yelling "off off" I'm doing my best to console him with a bowl of frozen blueberries that he was happily eating a few minutes before. The nurse says the need to "probe" him for his temperature. In that time, Slade walks in and tells me Jake will do it for us but to hurry because he has to catch a flight out at 3. I tell the triage nurse that we don't have insurance and that our friend has offered to do it for us and he says "it's not because of the rectal thermometer reading, is it?" He's serious too.

I don't know where Laura lives, so I rush home and get her address and try calling but there is no answer. I call another mom from group and ask her if she knows where she lives, she gives me general directions to the vicinity but she's never been there either. I head out and hit major backed up traffic half a mile from the road I need to turn on. It's about 1 in the afternoon and I'm trying to hurry. I get the the neighborhood that Maria told me and I realize it's the neighborhood to Laura's parent's house. I ask some guy if I could use his phone and I call Laura and she doesn't answer again. I'm pretty sure she doesn't live too far from her parent's house but I don't know where. After driving around for about 5 minutes, I find their house! Nobody is home - they have left I presume to the airport.

Crispin slept the whole time and so when I get home I say to myself that I am going to put it back into place myself. He's asleep still and I pick up his arm and he wakes with a scream and try to do what I think I should do - but nothing. No pop like they say I should feel. I get in the house and tell Clint all about my running around and now how I have to go back to Urgent Care and what am I going to tell them? I tell Clint to do some research on the internet so we can try to do it ourselves. He reluctancly looks up info. He says he doesn't even want to try because who knows who has written this stuff on the internet. I tell him to just try - PLEASE! He tries and nothing. Crispin cries and I'm reduced to that place that just says "SHIT!!!" I come upstairs with Crispin and I sit him on the couch, while I look for some food to scarf down since I didn't eat much of a breakfast and nothing for lunch. Clint comes up and sits Crispin on the arm of the couch, gets his arm and does some slow flexing movement and says "I think I did it - I felt a pop." Immediately Crispin starts using his arm and I'm jumping up and down for joy!

I'm so happy that we didn't have to spend our afternoon in Urgent Care and I'm so happy that Clint found another description of the maneuver and tried it again. Saved my sanity and saved Crispin from being "probed."

Friday, October 21, 2005


Mandy is out of town and so there is no one to talk to while I do my clean-up. I talked to mom this morning, well actually she talked my ear off. There are times when I call her and I will just talk and talk and talk and then I will ask, "are you still there?" because she is just listening and not saying a word. There are days where she is like that with me. Today being one of them. She was telling me what was going on with my older brother and his life. Sometimes I just want to buy a plane ticket and go over and give him a swift kick in the ass and tell him to get over himself already! Last year he called me like 3 times and it was so weird to hear stories of what was going on with his life. He told me how his ex-wife and his then girlfriend got into a fist fight in the parking lot of a bar! C'mon these are grown women out there fighting like teenagers - over an egotistical pig to boot! I was so shocked, I don't know what I said to him but then we changed the subject and talked about other aspects of life, like marriage, religion and over coming hiccups from our past. I don't think I said anything profound but he told mom how "mature and level headed" I was. Yeah, I'm not that stupid teenager girl that left home 14 years ago. He should have left when he could because that place is bad news. It's so weird to hear that side of things - reminds that I do not ever want to go back there. Mom and Gra'ma are welcome to come live with us wherever we end up. That is the plan, but it's not set in stone. MOm is taking care of gra'ma (who is very much alive and kicking - she out works mom!) I will take care of mom when the time comes. We are certain that by that time we will have a house big enough for her to live with us. Oh yeah, and big enough for the boys to come back home with their wives and families - because after all Clint told them to marry orphans. We don't want to deal with having to split our time with them with anybody else. Selfish like that we are. Clint blogged about this a few months ago and I printed it out and made the kids sign it -- just joking. kinda...

I should go and finish knitting the bag. I'm already on the top part w/ the contrasting color mixed with the boa! I have many things I wanted to write about this week but have been too busy knitting away. Here's my list so I don't forget:

Punk Rock Betty Crocker
U2 and White Zombie
School Dance
Papa bear comes out
Bourgeois (complete w/ photos!)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

20 questions! Actually 24!

I wrote this up last night but didn't have a chance to post it till now. Since then, I have talked to Amanda, Maria, Jack and a person from our DSL company on the phone. Also, the question that stumped me was #14! Go figure!

1. Favorite quote, verse or song lyric?
QUOTE - GUARDIANS, I swear I will not dishonor my soul with hatred, but offer myself humbly as a guardian of nature, as a healer of misery, as a messenger of wonder, as a architect of peace. Clint bought me this poster and we have it framed in our living room. VERSE – Strength and honor are her clothing…she looketh well to the ways of her household, …her children arise up and call her blessed;… Proverbs 31:25-28 My mom bought me this frame and it's the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. SONG LYRIC – Anything by U2! (had to add all 3 of them!)
2. If you could meet with anyone dead or alive for lunch, who would it be?
I would say my father. I don't know anything about him and I think that would be fun… to be continued in #19*
3. Sweetest thing your significant other does for you with or without knowing it.
Clint goes to the library every weekend and will always pick me up a book or two and they are usually really good books.
4. Do you wish on stars?
Nope, I skip the stars and go right to the source!
5. Favorite Drink?
WATER! (AM – hot tea or decaf coffee)
6. Favorite Meal?
Anything Clint cooks for me – since he puts so much effort into making sure I will LOVE it.
7. Last person you spoke with on the phone?
I talked to gra'ma Carter yesterday afternoon.
8. Favorite Month?
May – always has been. My Gra'mas b-day month and was hoping would be Jack's but now I have my May Baby!
9. Favorite day of the year?
First day of summer!
10. What was your favorite toy as a child?
I had a lot of dolls that I took care of and I'm sure they are still in the attic waiting for a little girl!
11. Who is the friend that you have had the longest.
Dee – she was my partner in crime in moving away from Lost Cause NM!
12. When was the last time you cried?
Last Friday morning. Clint made me so upset, but it was short lived. He later emailed an apology.
13. What are you afraid of?
I have potential to fear everything, so I gave up fear – it became hazardous to my health. I try to stick to real issues instead of creating my own drama with fears that aren't even likely to happen. If they do come true, I pray I have the coping skills needed!
14. Favorite flower?
Wildflowers – especially the ones that grow on the side of the road w/out a care.
15. How many states have you lived in?
NM, AZ and MI – all have borderd another country!
16. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
I would love to live closer to my mamma.
17. Favorite memory of a family trip.
Don't really have any from growing up. One from my little family. Clint, Slade and I went to Rocky Point in 1996 and had a great time with our house on the beach for 3 days. It was heaven and I wish we could do it again.
18. A nice thing you did for someone and it backfired.
I can't remember one specific thing. Maybe I don't put myself out there too much or I let it slide off my back easily if things backfire?
19. Something you always wanted to do but are afraid to?
That would be confronting the man my mom says is my father and asking for a DNA test. Makes me feel dizzy thinking about actually confronting him – putting myself out there like that. I don't think about it often because I know it's out of my hands and if a time should present itself, then it will all fall in place. Until then, I don't have an iota of despair from the situation.
20. Who are your idols?
NONE - gave that up in Highschool too. I learned that everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side and it's better to thank God for the blessings you have even if they aren't exactly what you would call "ideal."
21. Favorite dessert?
Sticky rice w/ warm coconut milk and fresh mangos on the side. (Thai style) Oh - and anything DARK chocolate.
22. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?
Happy. I'm happy to report that I am walking that path!
23. How many candles were on your last B-day cake and when is your b-day?
32 – Oct. 2
24. Do you dye your hair and if so what color/brand?
Nope – will wear my grey as my crown of glory! This summer a woman commented to me how she used to have REAL black hair. I told her mine wasn't from a box and she said it will be soon when the white starts coming in. I said I would wear it as my crown of glory. She said there is nothing glorious running around looking like a skunk! We shall see! I hope Clint will let me know if I start looking silly!

Friday, October 14, 2005


So, Clint and I were going out on the town tomorrow evening, well that WAS the plan. It's not going to happen. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day and the person I got to watch the boys in the evening will be watching Jack and Cri-Cri in the morning. I have a conference to attend from 8-12, Clint has work from9-2, Slade has an academic game tournament from 8-12 and Jack has a soccer game at 1. It's going to make for a hectic evening if we try to go out. So we have decided to postpone till next weekend. I think Slade is spending the night at a friend's tonight and so maybe Clint and I will do our psuedo-date drive. We drive to Dexter on the windy roads with the beautiful scenery all around (especially the fall colors now) and stop to eat at a drive-up A&W. Jack and Cri-Cri will enjoy the ride or maybe I can pawn Jack on Tyrone. We will see. Plus, I'm not in the mood to make dinner.

Clint should be home in an hour - better follow the rules from the 1950's and tidy up the house, change clothes and put lipstick on, clean the boys' faces and get a cocktail ready along with Clint's slippers and newspaper.

How he would love the idea of cocktails more than anything else. Better not broach the idea to him or we will end up with a wet bar in our house!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bad mamma moments

Mom and I were talking about forgetful moments as mothers. I didn’t know Slade’s practice ended at 7 last night, so he wasn’t there at 7:30. I didn’t know where he could be, but I tried the coach’s house and they said he was at the other coach’s house. I had to hurry because Jack would be getting dropped off at home from his practice that I just left from and I didn’t know if they ended early or not because of the darkness either. It worked out that they called Clint and he was already there to pick him up. WHEW! When I got to our parking lot, I saw the car that dropped Jack off leaving and I didn’t know if Jack was in there or at our door. I ran to the door and he was there waiting in the dark like no big deal.

Mom and I talked about the time she dropped me off at pre-school and it was closed. I was no older than 6 at the time. She just drove off because she was running late…as usual. I was a brazen 6 year- old because I totally remember NOT freaking out. There was nothing to do but walk to her work. I remember not wanting to ask a stranger to use the phone in their house, so I kept walking through neighborhoods hoping nobody would notice me and stop me. Kmart (where she worked) was about 2 miles away across 3 busy busy streets. I crossed streets like a pro, held my head up when I walked and didn’t cry. I made it to her work and she freaked out. Everyone around her freaked out and made her feel like a crappy mother. I told her it was fine and that I was hungry. She took me to gra’mas house where they were celebrating Lent. I remember that clearly for some reason. We ate lentils, capiortada and fish.

My poor mom still turns beet red when that comes up. I can feel it over the phone. That was our life at the time – single motherhood was all that we knew. She thought she was doing me a good thing by putting me in pre-school instead of letting me run around loose at gra’mas house. It was what all the proper parents did if they couldn’t stay home with their kids. That is probably why mom feels the need to be so supportive of me staying home. She lives vicariously through me. Not in an unhealthy way, THANK GOD! It would drive me crazy if she was so sappy about how she wishes she could have done this or that differently. She knows she is forgiven for anything that she has said or done. Forgiven because she has asked to be and forgiven because I would have freely given it to her even if she hadn’t asked. That is why it pangs me so much to be so far away from her and gra'ma. Why are we so far away from each other? I feel like we moved here for a purpose and it’s because of this move that Clint and I are at these pivotal points in our lives --- but why the heck so far from mom and gra’ma or any other family?? Every time we talk it’s like we are both on these missions that we are excited about and only each other can truly understand. We talk about deep issues and feel very close spiritually to each other. We feel very much that we are both were we need to be, but confused as to why we aren’t together. It drives me crazy because we have all the components to be the perfect threesome. Clint used to say we are like gorillas, picking fleas off each other when we’re together. It’s true, we always sit next to each and hold hands, walk holding hands, stay up till midnight talking. Who knows when the next time we will all be together. Until then, I lift them up in prayer and thank God for letting us have a great thing going on. Love you Mom!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Weekend, dreams and Rage

Finally DSL connectivity! We’ve been without internet all weekend. Clint had research to do and emails to send out to his men’s social work group. Lucky for him he could hop the bus and be at school in no time. Which he did and took Slade with him to the library. We had all day Sunday to ourselves. I went to Saturday night service and worked the bake sale. I was SOOOOO late! Clint left to Block buster to return movies and he and Jack didn’t get home for another hour! He went grocery shopping and I’m sure perused every aisle in BB. Anyway, I was happy to catch the Sat. service and have all day Sunday to knit. We had Amanda and her family over for dinner. Clint made the best green chile and pork! We ordered HOT green chile a few months ago and it’s like gold in our freezer – we dare not waste it! Anyway, mandy LOVED it even after just coming off a 10 year vegetarian diet. We had beans, rice and a sweet corn bread bake stuff. It was a great dinner with friends. We need to get back in the habit of hosting more often, I always forget how much fun it is.

I had a weird dream last night. I need to write them down because they are so weird but sometimes they are inspiring. I have 2 in the draft folder from last year that I just read last week and I’m glad I wrote them down – pretty powerful stuff.

Jack’s best friend that moved away for this school year was in town this weekend. They were able to get together before the soccer game and play. His mom and I had a nice conversation while they played. They moved away so the dad could go to seminary school for an Episcopalian Priest or whatever they are called…bishop? She is just having a hard time with the whole thing. She asked me if I ever felt “rage” from being home all day with the kids especially now with Clint’s schedule. I didn’t think it was a weird question especially coming from her. They are typical ann arborites well I shouldn’t say “typical.” Just because they live in a million dollar home they are very different from other people in the neighborhood. Anyway, she is used to having an ‘au pair’ or someone living in their basement in exchange for childcare. So this new life style is taking a toll on her. Husband is gone more hours than they ever expected and she’s homeschooling to boot! I told her that Clint and I don’t know any other life style. We hit the ground running 12 years ago and we are still in that mode. Clint being in grad school isn’t so different for us as it would be for other families. I’m just happy to be able to do it here where we are surrounded by people we know and love. She called me a true heroine.

But to answer her question – I told her I don’t feel rage over that , but I do feel rage over anyone who tries to demote my standing as a mom. People who think being JUST a mom is fine but what about going to school and having degrees decorating your walls? Or people who ask if I will have regret that I didn’t do something more with my life. There is so much time - you could have like 4 or 5 10 year careers in one life time. That’s a lot of careers! I know there is something that I will be doing later on in life and if I miss the opportunity, I will be presented with another one. For the time being – I will enjoy every minute of this time with my family and not worry about what other’s think about being JUST a mom. That is probably the single most issue that will make me so angry and so upset that I might rip someone apart. Makes my blood boil just thinking about it!
So, I will choose to keep my head high and not let naysayers take away the joy I live in.

I'm off to dumpster dive in the recycling bin for Jack's fundraiser envelope. (i tossed it in w/ the newspapers)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Shopping Shopping Shopping!!!!

Last night I couldn’t sleep and I thought it was because Amanda and I were planning on going shopping today. While I have no money to be clothes shopping, I was still so excited to go. I did buy (another) pair of big Jackie O sunglasses. They were a deal and it's always good to have an extra pair laying around!. Amanda has a wedding to go to this weekend and she has been trying to find something cool/hip to wear. I lent her my Vintage 1940’s blue dress and it fit perfect, but she was still holding out for something fun. She did find something in an eye candy glossy zine that she liked and tried to match.

Amanda bought THE cutest shirt that I will be borrowing next weekend when I go out for dinner and drinks with Clint. (thanks girlfriend) She got the “look for less” bug in her and she walked out of the mall carrying bags galore. She was in the mood for a new wardrobe too. We always talked about being young cool hip midwives – breaking down stereotypes of frumpy lumpy long skirt, polar-tec vest wearing, clog happy middle age midwives. She will be the new look of midwifery: Tattoos showing, clothes that are hip but not urban buttsniffer comercial hip, clothes that make her stand out in that “that girl’s got it going on!” way. No purple, no peasant skirts, no clogs, no vest and absolutely no jeans that come all the way up to the rib cage. She is set to become that midwife that rocks! She knows her stuff too. It’s so exciting to see her in full bloom and even funner to be her fashionista. (I’m not really one, but I just play one on TV!)
I’m all about the sale racks and will never ever ever pay full price for anything. Okay, maybe shoes, but that is probably the only thing because I don’t buy shoes that often and when I do it’s because I really really want them and I have done all the research on them and have found the best price. Having just wrote this, I JUST bought a pair of Dansko shoes for a steal on Ebay! (I used my B-day money!-guilt free here!)

Okay, so the Dansko shoes are considered "clogs" I need to retract that statement about frumpy midwives and clogs. What I really mean is birkenstock clogs. Better? Also, Amanda just tried on her outfit and is smitten as a kitten w/ her look! Her hubby was even all about it and said she took the best person with her shopping. Highest compliment indeed!

I think I was born to shop! (with other people's money) My mom says that to me all the time!
It must be in the genes because she isn't a shabby shopper either.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Weekend has started!

So many things I would like to write about but haven't had the time. Plus, my DSL keeps kicking off whenever, so that makes for a headache!

My Jackie got a haircut and while it looks so adorable – it was hard to see him so upset. My mamma bear instincts kick in when he’s upset like that – Don’t mess with MY Jack! We told her not to cut it so short, she must have thought short being shaved because she came pretty close to short. I know Jack struggles in this area where he can’t accept anything less than what HE thinks it should be. Dad and I try to work with him either by tough love or empathizing with him. He told me while I was trying to talk him down from the perch of “It’s the end of the world.” He said he just likes things a certain way and his hair is one of those things. I told him I understood but sometimes it’s mostly in the attitude and he had the power to see it in a different light. He wasn’t consoled at all at the moment, but is feeing much better now. I’m walking in faith that he will have the coping skills he needs to deal with different circumstances. May he pick his battles well and lead a rich life. I'm secretly happy they cut his hair so short - reminds me of they way he looked at 5. That oh-so-sweet-age!

Yesterday, Amanda and I went to the yarn store to pick out yarn for her bag. She would like the Constant Companion instead of the Oregon Tote. I’m so excited to try my hand at the CC. The color of yarn she picked out is gorgeous! We are going to pair it with a boa type yarn and see how that felts up. I can’t wait to get started! I need to finish this little project I’m working on and then I will get started. I’m off to finish before Crispin wakes up from his nap.

Oh yeah, Crispin slept without marathon nursing last night!! He fell asleep nursing and then while I was getting comfortable he woke up and was groping me. I didn't want to nurse him so I turned him to his other side and spooned with him. I told him stories of very sleepy squirrels, cats, dogs, rocks, wood chips, moons and anything else I could think of - Moms and Dads were included! He fell asleep and didn't wake up till about 3 and nursed for a quick second and slept till 7:40. I hope he will continue in this way!!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Great Birthday weekend!

I was able to spend my b-day weekend with my two favorite women. Mrs. T and Amanda.
I met with Mrs. T at her house on Fri afternoon for cookies. In the evening, I met up with Amanda and Kate for dinner and drinks. We had a great time out and plan on doing it again. Crispin was a gem for Clint, so that made it even better.

After church we met up w/ Mrs. T for brunch at our favorite restaurant - Afternoon Delight. Crispin was a bit of a bear, but nothing I couldn't handle. Dad would have had a heart attack. As long as his voice was down, it was not too bad.

Poor Clint had so much homework to do this weekend. He did manage to make me dinner - Carne Asada w/ beans and rice. We all enjoyed the marinade and the perfection to which he grilled the meat. My cake was a to die for - Ultimate Chocolate Truffle Cake. Slade picked it out at Trader Joe's for me. I was glad because I wasn't in the mood for a box cake. Plus, Clint didn't have time for baking.

The boys gave me 3 plants. All succulents. I hope I have the perfect spot for them. I'm limited in this new place. I wanted a black turtle neck but couldn't find one that I liked at the two stores we went to. I ended up buying a green long sleeve shirt that was on sale and a pair of jeans that are too long. Amanda came over this morning and gave me a whole outfit for my b-day! She knew that I had my eye on a pair of pants! Last week was her b-day and she got nothing from me! Well, I want to make her a felt bag but I want her to pick out the yarn color. So, we will be doing that soon.

It was a super weekend. Slade had his first "fun night" at school. More on that later. It sounded like a sweet night of fun.