Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sweet as pie Caseworker and the saga of bad teeth...

So, just got a call from our caseworker - sweet as pie. She was writing up our hearing and she just wanted to verify that I understood why our case was closed. I told her I did know why but it has to do more with the fact that we were never notified that it was closed. Long story short -I get to re-submit the forms that Clint hand delivered because that is what is missing. Good thing we were smart enough to make copies or else it would be another 5 weeks of waiting. So, instead of re-applying I will be re-submitting the forms that are needed! I'm so so so so happy. Makes my life easier by just doing that! We will see what comes of it all but hopefully we will be getting some food assistance because our rent money was running out and it wasn't even December! Not only that but Crispin is in need of some dental work - as luck or genetics would have it he is cursed with some bad teeth. This is for another story. Right now prayers are much appreciated for the saving of his baby teeth. Yes, there is a chance that they may need to pull all 4 top teeth. It's sad sad sad and I will come to terms with it as soon as I find out more - but for now I'm walking in faith that it will all work out and we will get through it no matter what the outcome is. It's such a stigma - Bad teeth = Bad parents. I need to continue to do my research and arm myself with knowledge so that I can overcome any kind of negative biases that are thrown my way. I have already been much enlightened by a friend who photocopied a great article for me from New Beginnings - La Leche League Magazine. It was wonderful and it shed more light on the matter with letters from other parents who have gone through this. It made me feel less guilty and more empowered. Doesnt' change the situation but takes the sting out!


Blogger tif-do said...

Glad to here it went smoother for you than expected. Hopefully it will all work out for you.

5:46 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Doesn't it always work out in the end? This situation didn't stress me out as much as it would have say, 4 years ago. I must be getting better at trusting! "when we trust, we do not worry" Mrs. T gave me a plaque that has that written on it and when I see it, I am reminded to keep on trusting with all my heart!

1:21 PM  

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