Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Weekend has started!

So many things I would like to write about but haven't had the time. Plus, my DSL keeps kicking off whenever, so that makes for a headache!

My Jackie got a haircut and while it looks so adorable – it was hard to see him so upset. My mamma bear instincts kick in when he’s upset like that – Don’t mess with MY Jack! We told her not to cut it so short, she must have thought short being shaved because she came pretty close to short. I know Jack struggles in this area where he can’t accept anything less than what HE thinks it should be. Dad and I try to work with him either by tough love or empathizing with him. He told me while I was trying to talk him down from the perch of “It’s the end of the world.” He said he just likes things a certain way and his hair is one of those things. I told him I understood but sometimes it’s mostly in the attitude and he had the power to see it in a different light. He wasn’t consoled at all at the moment, but is feeing much better now. I’m walking in faith that he will have the coping skills he needs to deal with different circumstances. May he pick his battles well and lead a rich life. I'm secretly happy they cut his hair so short - reminds me of they way he looked at 5. That oh-so-sweet-age!

Yesterday, Amanda and I went to the yarn store to pick out yarn for her bag. She would like the Constant Companion instead of the Oregon Tote. I’m so excited to try my hand at the CC. The color of yarn she picked out is gorgeous! We are going to pair it with a boa type yarn and see how that felts up. I can’t wait to get started! I need to finish this little project I’m working on and then I will get started. I’m off to finish before Crispin wakes up from his nap.

Oh yeah, Crispin slept without marathon nursing last night!! He fell asleep nursing and then while I was getting comfortable he woke up and was groping me. I didn't want to nurse him so I turned him to his other side and spooned with him. I told him stories of very sleepy squirrels, cats, dogs, rocks, wood chips, moons and anything else I could think of - Moms and Dads were included! He fell asleep and didn't wake up till about 3 and nursed for a quick second and slept till 7:40. I hope he will continue in this way!!


Blogger tif-do said...

I hope he does too, your about due for a full night sleep. Good for you for sticking to it so well.

6:20 PM  

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