Monday, September 19, 2005

A New Week

We had a really great weekend. I guess you could say mine started on Thursday, so I had a GREAT weekend. Saturday was Jack's first soccer game in his whole life. We go there a bit late because Maria had the wrong directions. Clint took Slade to his game so I caught a ride with Maria. I did my best to not get so into the game or else I would have been running up and down the sidelines with them. I sat next to Margaret and we both had a knitting project going on and that is what kept me in check! Jack did well. I feel for him. It's like I'm him in these situations. He's still timid when it comes to getting the ball away from the other team. He is waiting for it to stop so that he can turn it around and kick it in the right direction. He will learn how to get in there and guide the ball. He needs a haircut too. Both these boys got really bad haircuts and now that their has grown out it doesn't look good at all. We are trying to talk Slade into cutting his hair short. I personally think he looks better with it long because of the way it curls. Jack is so meticulous that I'm afraid for him to get any hair cut off - it will throw him for a loop. We are easing him into a haircut this week.

I finally finished my sweater and bootie project. I'm pretty happy with the booties. It took me 7 attempts to finally have a pair. I need total concentration when I work on them. I hear I will need to be the same when I work on the heel flap of a sock. So, it's all just practice for the socks. Anyway, these things are for Madison Sage. I hope they fit and she can wear them.

That's it for now. need to see what these little ones are up to.


Blogger leaner said...

That is a very cute little sweater/bootie combination! I love it. Have you seen any pic of Madison Sage? (as she will be known to me, since dacheese/ bri is naming her baby Madison as well.)
See why we like "odd" names-
I love your boys' hair! Its so- Hobbit like. (LOL- yes we all call Slade Frodo! That started at the family reunion. tee hee.)
Isn't it fascinating how different your kids are? I can not wait to see how different from Rhayn Gwennie is going to be! I mean she is already so different her little fetus personality. She is raring to get out of there and Rhayn was pretty content to "chill" but when she was born she was ready to GO. Rhayn was ON the move! SO lets hope that Gwennie is the opposite- a snuggle buggle little baby bug.
I really just want her to have some Biggo brown eyes!

4:52 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Glad to hear you *love* it - I'm working on a second one here...

I received an announcement from Jill last week and got to see that baby all pinky and pudgy! I also missed Jill calling yesterday - bummer. Would have loved to hear what they are all up to.

Yes, I hope you have a snuggle buggle too- Jack still is - he's like a palm pilot - he still fits in our arms and laps. Crispin is just a tricked out mother's milk addict and well, it will be a long time before I get him out of my lap lifting my shirt and assuming the nursing position. I'm enjoy every minute of it - even the 3 a.m. feeling me up to find his teta to nurse.

6:02 AM  
Blogger leaner said...

I am looking forward to nursing, SOOO very much. I feel really fortunate, because my midwife was a lactation consultant, and her student emailed me a LONG time ago (before becoming her student) because I had posted my fears of being unable to nurse on the phoenix birth circle group. She gave me her number and said she understood because she had been unable to nurse her first and had a lot of trouble with her second. But went on to successfully nurse that one and 3 more. She is awesome and I am so glad that she is working with Pam. I really needed that extra boost of nursing know how I think! Because no matter what happens with the actual birth- I KNOW that nursing will not be easy- it will take a bit of work and practice!
But its work and practice that I have been looking forward to since before I found out I was pregnant!

8:40 AM  

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