Thursday, September 15, 2005

Great day

I just love days like these. You feel like you had a great night sleep and have no problems waking up even though the sun isn't out yet. I was able to see Slade before he headed off for school. Jack had been wanting a ride to school all week. I told him I would take him today since I had moms' group. He was pretty happy with that.

Moms' group was great. I was able to still tie Crispin onto me in my ABC (Asian Baby Carrier) and help bag bread instead of chasing him all over the place. The discussion question that was brought up was a little too political to tackle in 15 min. But we still threw around some comments on it here and there. The question was something to the effect of having an obligation to fight for women globally or not concern ourselves and let "others" take care of it. Most everyone in the group is pretty edumacated and totally committed to women's rights but the question was more WHEN do you throw yourself into that arena? The statement that kept popping into my head was from that popular shirt that was around a few years ago: Start a Revolution - Stop Hating your Body. In my opinion I don't think it matters if you fly around the world 10x's a year to foreign countries and catch babies or do whatever you feel drawn too. If you are fueled by the wrong reasons, it seems like it's all for naught. I can think of a handful of women that I think have done some great things either locally or globally but knowing some of the stuff that I know about them, it makes me wonder where they are really come from. That was pretty much the discussion - it was nice and cordial nobody got their panties in a ruffle over anything. We also got to hear first hand from Laura about their quick mission trip to India and the blessings that took place there. She's so awesome - I'm forever indebted to her for her kindness in helping us move. I will always want to be on her team - She's a force to reckon with! (Clint - you need to write your angel number two in our moving experience - she didn't bring beer but she brought wings!) Also, it was nice to be able to finally NOT have a pressing prayer request but to have just a praise. AAAHH! Let me remember this when I feel like the sky is falling and I'm running around like a fool.

Crispin took a nap in my arms during group and stayed asleep while I drove home. I did a quick drive through the parking lot of Clint's old work to make sure our other car was still there. It will probably be there a few more days before we can pay the $100 for a second parking permit. I had visions of it being towed away and having to pay a gazillion dollars for it. It's been nice not having to use our cars much here and that is why it stinks so much to pay for a second car permit. Clint will probably need the car once he is doing field placement, so I guess it makes more sense to keep it. I don't want to live without a second car if we can avoid it. Plus, it's paid off and it's been pretty reliable since we bought it.

Anyway, I got home and Clint was still holed up in the basement admiring his beer. Oh, I'm sure he was really doing homework. We thought we should do something since we could w/out the big boys. So we went out to eat at a place that we have never been back to since we first moved here because it was too expensive for us all to eat out. We've dreamt of going back and having those burgers. It was a nice lunch even with creaky in tow. We went for a walk by the water and then came home and baked some muffins for Slade. Slade had called earlier from school and left a message asking if he could stay after school for Academic games. I called back and asked them to let him know that it was alright if he did. I guess the message never got to him because he was home right after school. Hopefully, it's not too late for him to join next week.

Pretty much covers our day here. Crispin has been quite clingy the last few hours and has nursed me dry, but he's still trying in acrobatic poses to get some milk. He's also humming all the while. Typing and nursing it doesn't get any more multi-tasking than that. If I could only change his diaper while we are at it...


Blogger Hayduke said...

Funny, very funny. Actually, I was already pickled. Thanks for taking me out for a burger so I could sober up.

4:09 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

kinda like our first date!
love you!

3:22 PM  
Blogger Hayduke said...

Minus the kerosene fire.

9:18 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

The one I accidently set to the couch??

11:54 AM  

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