Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Roommate Status - You know the space where you and your hubby are reduced to grunts and shrugs for communications. Something like this: Oh -your home already (could you leave again?) You might get a nod (like duh, I told you I would be home at this time) Well, alrighty then, good to see you. (I have a ton of laundry in the basement that I'd rather be doing) Or another scenario could go like this: You are excitedly sharing your day or even just a tidbit of it (wouldn't want to over-load your spouse with too much useless information) when you get the eye roll and the deep sigh that acts as a Oh yes, I'm hearing every word you say so hurry up and get on it with already. (does this story have a point) You finish up and look at them with enthusiasm and wait for their reply when you may just get a "oh". So then you go on your merry way wondering if this is what happily every after is all about – staying out of each other's way and giving high fives on a few occasions when you pass each other on the way to the kitchen. Yeah, I know all about the ebb and flow of marriage and this is just a season that we are in with all the new adjustments to our lives. You would think you could treat the one you love the only one in the world that is solely there for you with a little more respect and enthusiasm. I'm sure a stranger gets better empathy than we give each other. Like the first thing in the morning a big smile would come across the face of whichever spouse has been up the longest and has had a few minutes to themselves. They would greet you with a "good morning sunshine, have a cup of joe!" instead of the oh-shit-you-are-up-and-what-are-you-going-to-ask-me-to-do-today-and-haven't-I-already-told-you-how-busy-I-am?

It's days like last Friday that make all this go away and finally you get to regroup and unite as one force against all the stress of work schedules, school schedules, family assistance forms (a gazillion of them!) bills, lack of money to pay such bills, spilled milk on library books, interrupted blogging time and the drama we create in our own minds. We made a family trip to Cedar Point and rode rides like children again. The older boys overcame fears of heights and loopy-loops. The weather was perfect, the crowds were minimal - even Crispin was a gem for the whole trip, knowing we needed to have us a fun time with out a care in the world. We drove the 2.5 hours there and back like country bumpkins, if we had a ford truck with a bench seat I would have sat right smack next to clint with our hands on each other's leg. We laughed, talked, smiled at each other like we hadn't in weeks, we agreed on rides and waits (mostly – I HAD to wait the 1.5 hours for the American dragster – it was worth it) and who would ride what with whom.

It was a perfect end to a big summer and now we are a force to be reckoned with this semester! Try as you might to get us off keel - we will not succumbed to the pressures! Hear our roar!


Blogger tif-do said...

And you say your not a writer, HA. I know what you mean, somedays I feel like we've mastered the art of toleration, rather than being happily married. But other days I feel like I could actually love this person forever. It certianly cycles.

10:16 AM  
Blogger leaner said...

It is funny, do they feel the same way? Those men we love? When we are reduced to roommate status- are they happier because we aren't talking to them? (because i know as a stay at home mom- I sometimes go crazy with talking when he gets home!)
I can't say we mastered the art of toleration yet. Still working on it (hee hee.) But only 2 1/2 years of "wedded bliss" under our belts.

11:59 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

tif-do - a writer - pleeze! I can barely get out a sentence that makes sense! I figured if I wrote how I talked to my girlfriends, my point will get across in a round about way!

yes, there are days when someone will say something so extremely nice about Clint that I gush w/ the "hyuck - that's my man"

leaner -yes, you are still in that wedded bliss capsule. May you get through it w/ minimal use of the art of toleration!

4:02 PM  
Blogger Elise said...

joe and i had to almost start our marriage with the toleration. we saw each other about a half hour a day for about eight months. (yay student life)he worked nights and i worked mornings.
then i was pregnant (7 months) and he went to scout camp without me for 8 weeks..... i think that helped our relationship and got us out of roommates to "i missed you so much, how in the world did we survive that first year of marriage without seeing each other?"
so joe graduates and now we finally have a normal 8-5, don't work weekends or holidays schedule. i finally get to know and love him. what a weird and long wait. but worthwhile :)

11:59 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Ah yes hairball, I remember those days. Don't they say absence makes the heart grow fonder or is it abstinence?

5:53 AM  
Blogger leaner said...

Lol, Yeah, WIll beign away at aBasic Training really made me appreciate him more! I rember before he left I thought "no big deal, i lived alone before him" but I have never EVER cried so much! I missed everything about him!
He was gone for 2 weeks this summer to, and man did I ever miss him! It really does make you appreciate the little htings they do! (maybe we should all get a 2 week vacation from them once in a while! Maybe that is what we all REALLY need!)

10:32 AM  

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