Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Jack come back?

Jack – pleeeze stay home! Don’t go to school today! I’ll call the school again and tell them you are sick. Didn’t you say your tummy hurt? Please don’t go…we can homeschool. C’mon what do you say? We’ll have your friends come over after school, so you won’t miss them at all. Oh - I know you can help me bake banana muffins again – YUM!

Yes, this is the scene that took place just a few minutes ago as Jack got ready for school. Yesterday he stayed home from school because he kinda missed the bus and his tummy hurt. Yesterday, I thought would be a day for just Creaky and I, but as it turned out I was doing childcare for a friend of mine whose daughter is a few weeks younger than Creaky. I thought for a brief moment - what had I gotten myself into. In no time at all Jack made all the difference. He built a tower of blocks for Carrie and showed her how to use a few toys while I made sure Crispin woke up to a good start. We baked muffins, went for a wagon walk around the place, I even got a 2 hour nap from the girl baby. Everything went without a hitch as the day drew to a close.

I know Carrie secretly wanted to take Jack home with her. She didn’t know if she should leave him behind. Who would play with her while her parent’s were busy doing other things?

Jack the great, brother almighty. He’s like a super hero. He swoops down the stairs and saves the day. He’s gone, he’s getting on the bus, he’s leaving us, he’s not even turning back to say bye.


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