Sunday, September 25, 2005

I figured it out!

After doing much reflecting on this whole situation, I have finally come to some understanding of why it bothered me so much that I had these feelings towards this woman. I was squelching what is so innate for me and I wasn’t even giving this person a chance to speak before I had already judged her, chopped her into categories and then put her on the BBQ.

What I found, talking and enjoying people in all their humanness – comes easy for me and I enjoy it immensely. I really like getting to know people and forming bonds.
For now because I am totally dedicated to my family in body, mind and soul, I can’t throw myself into the work that I feel led to do. That would be working with women.
I know I will someday have a forum that will allow me to really have an impact in women’s lives. I have ventured out and tried doing that with doula and midwifery work and it seemed like it wasn’t the time for me to take that on. My family needed me and I needed to know that I would be available for them. Plus, I knew I wanted another baby and I wanted to enjoy every bit of him instead of having one boob in his mouth while I tried to coordinate a schedule that is very much indefinite. Babies come at all hours - 24 hours a day. (Plus, I can live vicariously through Mandy and not deal with carrying a pager!)

I have always said if I can make a difference in someone’s life within my arm’s span, within reach of my front porch, then I will. I’m not an overt type person that will protest out in the streets for women’s rights, home birth, crunchy peanut butter over creamy or any other worthy causes. I would much rather have one on one conversations with people and do what I can to lift them up and give them hope in their despair or share with them in other senseless activities like who’s who on reality TV shows or whatever. I would much rather have eye contact with a person and share with them in tangible ways. I can do that. It’s a part of me that I can’t deny and this experience has really made me embrace it for all it’s worth. It’s my way of being accessible and feeling a part of something bigger than myself and my family.

All that said, yesterday I had her over for lunch and we had a nice conversation on Mexican remedies. She’s from Mexico and has been in the States for a few years now. When she first got to my house, I didn’t have that “oh great – look who’s here.” It was a great feeling to be myself rather than act like I was too busy to even bother with her.

Thanks for all the comments. I’m feeling much better about the situation. I know I learned from it all and that is always something you hope to do from certain circumstances.


Blogger leaner said...

I am glad you were able to figure out what was really bothering you! What a great feeling to know yourself so well that you can fingure it out.
I am working on that, I usually do know its just figuring out how to handle it. I feel like I need to control myself more, but really, maybe I should be letting go more?
Anyway- hugs and I am so glad you are feeling better!

3:25 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

yes, it is a great feeling. After years of being something I wasn't - it feels good to be in a space where I know I should be in. You know? Keep yourself open to listening to that little voice within, because it just might be trying to show you something about yourself. {{Hugs}} to you too!

5:48 AM  
Blogger abeNanna said...

I worked with someone a few years ago that came into the office everyday in a foul mood. She would meet behind closed doors with the boss to complain about how we weren't including her in anything. It was so hostile. One day Louise(the other lady in the office) and I asked this new person to come in early so that we could talk. She came in and we confronted her - not negatively - we explained that I was getting trained (as I was new to the position also and Louise was retiring) and hadn't meant to exclude her. We just wanted to make sure that I knew both jobs so when Louise left it wouldn't leave too large of a hole. It is amazing how her attitude and ours changed after that. We actually became friends and for the next six years, until she retired, even though we both changed jobs we kept in contact with each other.

Not much of a story, but whenever I have problems with someone I remember and that has helped a lot along the way.

8:11 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

The Power of Communication! I had another experience this weekend that was wonderful and all it had to do with was sharing and opening up oneself so that one can understand what is their driving force...negative or positive? It was great and I will remember to first open the lines of communication, rather than build walls and assumptions. Great feedback abenanna!

9:42 AM  

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