Thursday, September 22, 2005

A good day to chat

I woke up this morning from a horrible night. I went to bed with a pretty bad headache and then woke up at around 1 with a more intense one. I thought it was the bun in my hair, so I took out the elastic and tried to get comfortable. It didn’t work. I finally got out of bed and took 3 ibuprofens and went back to bed to wait for them to take affect. It was like I took a placebo because it did not a thing for me. I thought I was dying. Seriously. Like, I don’t walk around feeling death is at every corner but I thought this was going to be one of those sad but true stories you hear about. You know where someone goes to the Dr. because of some little thing and find out they have a brain tumor and die within hours of getting to the hospital. I was thinking that was my fate. After laying with my head hanging off the edge of the bed and massaging my neck for a few minutes, I found a comfortable spot and went off to sleepy land. When I did wake up I felt like I was hit by a truck. I’m so sore in my shoulders. I’m wondering if it’s from all the knitting I have been doing lately. Not to mention the carrying of this kid that weighs a ton.

I was up and showered and waiting for Crispin to wake up so we could go to moms’ group. He didn’t wake up till after 9:30. In that time Amanda called and we chatted like high school girlfriends. We both got our cycle back on the same day after like a 2 year hiatus. We talked hormones and their effect on us and how that could have been the culprit of my headache. She’s feeling the better effects of these hormones….bigger than life LIBIDO! The kind that would make a sailor blush. Lucky. I’m hoping that this surge of hormones will chill out and get back to normal. I’m wondering if this is par for course at this age. Maybe normal is a thing of the past and now I’m entering another phase of life that will require pro-activeness on my part. Gone are the days you take your body for granted and eat all the crap you want and still fit into your size 4 jeans. Gone are the days you don’t work out and still have a flat stomach. For sure gone are the days your boobs are perky and you don’t need a bra if you don’t want one. Long gone.
Oh- but I won’t take this sitting down, no not me. I will get on that treadmill and I will eat my tofu spinach salads and drink my yogurt infused with flax seed oil and not complain. I will start taking care of my body – yes I will.

Maybe next year, c’mon I’m still a young thang- it’s too early to start thinking menopausal. I’m still a nursing momma and need all those extra calories and I can’t just go and work out with our busy schedules. Who cares about fitting into jeans w/ out a belly roll.

Well, I’m off to bake a pie since the chocolate cake I made a couple of days ago is almost gone. Maybe I will make a ‘reduced calorie’ pie, something low cal to get by till next year where then I will be making tofu banana cream pie or carob chip cookies.


Blogger leaner said...

Its just a day/night for headaches! I have one too! I took 2 tylenol, which haven't helped. Its not as bad as yours sounds, luckily.
I hope that I get those "happy hormones" when things get back to normal for me!

You have plenty of time to worry about your body and weight and all that! Who gives a rats arse! You have a wonderful hubby and 2 lovely boys!
(Although the bra thing- well I totally get that- it hurts, huh? its less of a look and more of a pain thing!)

8:44 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

uhm - you meant 2 lovey boys and one lovely cling on? Right? Gotcha!

I'm going for the balanced life - happy hormones and NO headaches, zits and bloating.

I've got a tween that will be coming up on his own hormones, zits and "feelings" I've got to be in the right space to deal with that when the time comes. Please not anytime soon. Although Slade did have a wise comment on the whole zit thing yesterday. He said he wouldn't mind if he got all zitty because most of the kids in middle school had them and he wouldn't be out of place. Sweet boy! I will NOT let him suffer - stockpile of proactive on hand!

10:27 AM  
Blogger leaner said...

AH! a tween! I forgot you have one of those! Scary for you! I think boys are easier. I mean the transition to manhood is easier than it is to womanhood. They have a lot less to deal with - emotionally. Not discounting their transition or anything- just they aren't coming into the era of once a month bleeding and breast growth/pain.

That is great that Slade is comfortable enough with himself to know that its ok to have zits. It is but I know what you mean about nto wanting him to suffer! It will be hard, watchign these sweet children, that God has given us to care for, suffer. Like everytime they are sick, or hurt. Everytime those sweet little feelings get hurt, you want to build that protective wall around them, but you also know that keeping them from any type of hurt is not good. They will have to learn how to deal with hurt at some point. (Hopefully they know they can always come to you to help them through it, too!)
Ok- now who is babbling?

11:11 AM  
Blogger tif-do said...

Perky boobs, what are those? My boobs have been stretched beyond repair. If I didn't wear a bra they would just look like half empty water balloons.

2:01 PM  

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