Thursday, September 29, 2005

Caught your Allergies...

Clint has been battling "allergies" for a few days now. Stuffy nose, snot rags all around. He's been taking Slade's allergy pills every day but still blowing his nose like crazy. I woke up yesterday morning with a bit of a swore throat and it just hit me how Clint is sick and now I have it. He's in denial and keeps holding to the notion that he has a case of bad alleriges. Thanks for giving me your allergies!

I woke up feeling much better today. A couple of Ibuprofens do it for me. I just hope Crispin can keep the stuffy noses away. That always makes for a hard time nursing and not to mention sleep!

Yesterday I took Crispin to the playground and he will scare the living daylights out of any parent around. I can't stop that kid from climbing from bar to bar like a monkey. I break my back trying to tear him away from them. I just have to be near so in case he slips I can at least break his fall with my feet or something. He's getting much better at climbing and I'm not so scared for him anymore. Most people around are from different countries and because they can't yell at us in english, they will make sounds to alert me or him that he's scaring the heck out of them. I just have to act like I'm ready for him when he falls. He will do it over and over again and people around seem to feel better about the whole scenario after a while. If it's one thing this kid has, it's GUSTO! It won't be long before he's jumping out of planes. Maybe it's a good thing we stop having anymore kids - they seem to be coming out with bigger huevos than the first one. Slade had moxie, Jack had skill but Crispin has all of that and some!


Blogger lvh said...

oh my gosh - he sounds just like Blaine. I remember one time when Blaine was really little and we went to Wickenburg cause Grandma was in the hospital. For lunch we all went to the park to have a picnic. They had one of those things to climb on that looks like a rainbow or a ladder bent in a half circle. I turned around and my little boy was up on top of that - oh my gosh.

8:54 AM  
Blogger leaner said...

I caught my dad's allergies, LOL. I had been wondering why I felt a little stuffy and my mom said he had a cold, but said it was his allergies. (Until she caught it... and SHE knew it wasnt) Silly men- can't just realize that they are sick.

9:53 AM  

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