What a vacation!
From the moment we loaded up our van to the moment we arrived in our parking lot, we had a grand old time. The boys enjoyed every place we visited and never stopped smiling the whole time. Crispin hammed it up for the gra'mas in NM. It seemed like we had to tie a toy or a candy around their necks to get the other boys to even acknowledge them. It was sad. Crispin enjoyed each gra'ma and made them feel special in his 2 year old way. He nicknamed Abuelita, "gra'ma ita" It was cute. Everyone got a kick out of him. One thing I wouldn't do again is plan a trip to see my family for only one whole day. What was I thinking? I think we are so used to putting our feelings aside and being practical that we don't demand more from each other. I knew what it was going to be like, but didn't want to think too much about it. Mom was saying a prayer for safe travels and she just started sobbing, I mean just blubbery sobbing, I lost it too realizing how little time we actually had and also NOT knowing when we would get to see each other again. That was the saddest moment of the trip and one that I hope to never repeat again. Hopefully, it will all work out for her to come with the baby is born. The last time I was pregnant she said if I had a girl it would tempt her more to move out here with us. We will see, but then again who knows where we will be next April. My brother wasn't too much this time, although he has no couth when it comes to certain situations. He practically made us go to a mexican restraunt in old mesilla and so mom, not one to disagree w/ him because she thinks he knows what he's talking about, agreed. So we all drive there and we get there and he has his 2 kids and his g-friends 2 with him and tells us in the parking lot that he's not hungry and they will meet us at the square after we are done eating. Good enough, I think. He shows up 10 minutes later w/ big gulps from the local gas station w/ his brood in tow and sits down taking up 2 tables in this tiny place and doesn't order a thing! He then asks to be moved closer to us and sits there and watches us eat. It was very nerve wrecking having him there knowing he wasn't eating and making the waiter cater to their needs. That's just the kind of person he is and will always be, I guess.
The rest of the vacation just got better and better. It was so sweet to see the boys playing w/ their cousins and having fun. It makes you think about being closer to family, but you know that it's not always going to be like that because life gets hectic and people get busy. I have to bring myself back to reality on how life would really be if we lived near family. Whatever will be, will be.
The MO family really has a soft spot in my heart and I don't know why. I too want to live on F highway and be near gra'ma and make pickles or strawberry jam. I want the boys to ride on tractors and learn horse stuff from someone who knows a thing or two about them. I want to be far from town and only go in once in awhile for major shopping, but still be surrounded by these people. I don't know - maybe in my former life I was a country girl living off the land and enjoying the simple life. Again, I need to adjust my rose colored glasses and realize things can just as hairy and uncertain on many acres of land. I always leave that place w/ thoughts of country life.
Baby traveled well and no major concerns came up. I can't believe all that we got in in less than 2 weeks time. Our scratch and dent special of a van got us there and back and is still going strong. What a gift to have a car that can get us clear across the plains to the heat of the desert and deliver back to our starting point.
I keep waiting for Creaky to interrupt me and make me stop typing, but he sounds like he's having a ball upstairs w/ the boys and dad. I should still get moving off this thing and -oh here they all come down the basement...
Glad to hear you had such a great time. Hopefully you will be able to spend time with your Mom soon. It had to be hard to see her for such a brief time, but glad to hear your trip went well. Love ya-Tiff
Yes it was a great time! Wish you could have made it down for it. Hope to see you soon!
I remember those rose colored glasses, thinking how great it would be to live on a farm. I still think of it fondly, but know how hard it was for my parents.
It was great to see you, and talk to you (face to face.)
NOOOOO! I don't want to live on a farm for profit - I watched "the farmers wife" (a PBS documentary - you can watch the first 2 episodes on line and then request the rest from your library) there is no way I want to be stressed year round about crops, cattle or equipment breaking down. I just want a piece of land where the boys can run around and play in the dirt and a little house that faces east so we can see the sun coming up each day. Have a strawberry patch that comes up each year be surrounded by family along the F highway. I think in MO is the only place I would want that. I think anywhere else I would feel isolated.
Good seeing you and your two lovely girls!
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