Wednesday, March 29, 2006

OSC and his motor mouth!

I had this big long post and my mouse froze up - just my luck! I've already said how I am NOT in the mood to deal w/ these computer glitches, but here I am again and this time I will write the quick gist of it all or nothing.

Our Mr. OSC seems to have some problems at school and unfortunately we were called in for a conference. I got a call last week from his teachers wanting to meet w/ us because OSC seems to be doing too much socializing and "getting into girls." My first reaction was "so! and have you tried talking to him?" They said he wasn't turning work in either. I couldn't make it but Clint made the conference w/ 2 of his teachers that OSC has for 4 of his classes. They said some really positive things about him and his attitude and that he was in general a very good boy. BUT he's having problems w/ talking in class and his grades are VERY poor! I mean POOR! That was shocking to me and that is the kind of thing that makes Clint see red. I could totally see past the socializing from the teacher point of view and talk more w/ OSC about WHY he feels the need to be such an attention monster. I could also see NOT making straight A's but where his grades are now, I can't see.

He needs to catch up on a few assignments before next wed. or else he is stuck w/ some pretty crappy grades for the semester. He went from being on the honor for 2 semesters in a row to being at the bottom of the barrel. I know he is just slap happy at how "cool" he thinks he is at middle school and how many friends he has, because at Angell, he was just osc and now he's OSC. The teachers also said he was a chick magnet - not in those words but they implied it w/ the stories they told Clint about girls from other teams asking the teachers who that kid is.

Hopefully after this he will try to keep the mantra "there's a time and place for everything." Clint cut him off of IM and asked him to come up w/ how long. OSC said till the end of the year, Clint said that was too long, I said it was perfect. I hated him on it all the time but was too sick to make a fuss about it. He's been cut off since the phone call last week and we have really seen a difference w/ him since. He needs to get his shit together - meaning he is just a loosey goosey when it comes to keeping track of all his assignments. We have tried to help him w/ a folder system but that just gets squished all up in his cluttered back pack and weighed down w/ all his books he's reading. He thinks he can remember his assignments w/ out writing them down and then he will come home and have forgotten most of his work!

I found out they are offering full scholarships to Nationals but the way it looks - he won't be going. Even if he does catch up, going to nationals and missing 2-3 days of school might put him behind again. He understands and is not at all whining about it. We will see what comes of all of this. He's pretty freaked out - that just might be the kick in the pants he needed.

I was very proud at how Clint and I handled it - I didn't want to go the route of my mother and I didn't want to go the route of angry beavers. We got our concerns out and he was able to get his out too - all very diplomatic. Kudos to us all!

Everything else is going well. I'm utterly and totally in love w/ everyone in the house. Clint is so awesome w/ all that he has going on and how he continues to seek all the goodness and love in everyone - including himself. So refreshing and I rejoice! OSC is still a very impressive kid w/ his appetite for reading and his knowledge despite his diarrea of the mouth! Since Jackie turned 9, I have been in love w/ him. He's so cute! I never liked the years 8 and 9, didn't like them growing up, didn't like them when OSC went through them, but w/ Jackie - he makes my heart melt every minute. Creaky - he's weaned and he could do no wrong! He has even let me stay w/ my moms' group, while he went and played in the nursery across the hall last week. That was a first and I hope not a last!


Blogger Joxer's Human said...

Sounds like you have a good plan for working things out with OSC. And it's great that you are talking about it with him and including him in decisions and not just dictating to him the consequences of his actions.. It may not be easy, but he should respect you a lot more than if you just got angry..

He's a wonderful kid. He should get through this just fine.. Though I will miss him on the IM.... With luck, he'll get his act together and learn from it. Better this lesson be learned now than in High School where his marks will effect his college choices..

3:42 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Yeah, hopefully he will get a hold of himself and have better control of his motor mouth before HS - he's only got 2 choices into getting into University - winning the lottery or getting scholarships!

6:05 PM  
Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

you guys are awesome parents and your kids are sweet boys. i know everything will get ironed out and be fine for you.
however, i had to laugh when you said S had "diarrhea of the mouth". hmmm, not so unlike his mama and her good friend here in Ypsi? ;)
genetics! he's got C's brains and your mouth! :)
(i mean that with lots oflove and sarcasm!)

6:34 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

funny - my thoughts exactly on the diarreah of the mouth! I was laying in bed thinking that last night - he's a chip off the old boulder! I was thinking that if I had parents like he has, I might not have found myself in the all the messed up situations I found myself in at his age!

6:59 AM  

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