Thursday, March 02, 2006

good night sleep and good stuff all around

Creaky slept so well the last two nights and boy, what a difference that makes for all of us! It's a good thing because the last bad early morning we had was pretty bad because I don't know if he woke up the neighbors, but they were going at it and it was pretty scary. I kept thinking any minute they would be pounding on our door ready to beat us up. I think it had more to do w/ their new baby and night feeding - sounded like she needed the dad to get up and help out.

I've had 2 pretty good days so far. I'm not so starving every minute and if I don't eat right away, I don't turn into a ball of yuck. Wonder if it has anything to do w/ Creaky giving my milk supplying energy a break?

Yesterday, I hung out w/ Keri. She is one of the most symplistic people I know in material goods, but she still manages to bless people w/ gifts. I lent her some maternity clothes and a pair of jeans that were pretty worn out from me. Yesterday she gave me a thank you card and a gift card for Mimi maternity, to buy a new pair of jeans because she said she wore them out. I refused to take the money because I don't want to buy ANY new materity clothes or clothes that I can't wear after this baby. On that note - I have been buying every clearanced item off the rack at Target that will double as maternity wear and after the baby is born wear. Mostly summer clothes. I have this anxious tick that keeps reminding me that I am going to be pregnant during the most hottest/humid time in MI. So, I have found tons of tanks and spaghetti strap shirts. All less than $5 bucks! Not bad for summer stuff in the mid of winter.
Keri is in labor as I write. She emailed the group this morning saying she wouldn't be coming because she has been having cxt since 11 last night. I called her at about 3 and she was STILL home, but things were cooking. I was hoping her mom would have answered and said she had the baby or something. Keri answered in her most sweetest voice but she couldn't talk through her cxt. I told her I loved her and I was praying for her and let her go, so she could work on them in peace. I can't wait to hear!

Clint and the boys are on break. This is mid-winter break for the boys but spring break for Clint. I think only 8 more weeks and Clint will be done w/ this semester. Not sure if he will try to find a job or not for the summer. I still am holding out for a summer vacation in NM and AZ. But if S doesn't get a full scholarship to camp then, I think we would rather send him to camp than go on vacation. We will see what comes of it all. We are on the hunt for a van too. We need another tax refund for a more reliable van like a toyota or a honda. We might have to just bite the bullet and hope that we don't end up w/ a lemon of a ford or chrysler. Scary!

S left on Tues night and called last night to say they made it and are having fun. He said he crashed on his snow board and hit his head, but that he was wearing a helmet! I'm so happy they decided to rent those helmets! He said it was scary, but he's doing fine. I told him not to be a hero and try to grind like he does on shawn palmer's snowboarding video game.

Angie emailed and said she had started on that one piece sweater pattern. It inspired me to get started on mine and tweak it w/ different size needles and yarn. So far so good. I'm glad I am feeling up to knitting.

I am going to go find something to snack on since I have been pretty hungry for a bit now, but too busy knitting to actually put food in my mouth. Nothing sounds good anyway. Clint is making chili beans for dinner and it smells good, but he just left to buy stuff to make t-shirts - so need to wait for him to eat. I'm going to have him make me a t-shirt that says "chicana mama" on a better t-shirt this time. I want him to make creaky one that says "mocoso" which means "buger" or "snotty - bratty" which he is neither, but it sounds cute. Mom will be horrified to see that on his shirt!


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