Here I am in all my pregnita-es. That is Clint's pet name for me every time I am pregnant.
I'm feeling great - just cruising along right now. Baby is growing and I'm starting to feel hard parts like a rump and head. Crispin loves to feel the baby move. Yesterday, he sat on my lap and said, "baby GET!" and put his hand on my belly. I thought he was trying to tell me to GET baby out and I started saying how baby needs to stay in a bit longer and blah blah blah. He said it again and this time kicked his feet too. Finally, I understood he wanted to feel baby KICK and not GET! Baby was moving around, so it was perfect. Sonny heard me say it was kicking and rushed right over to cop a feel too. He asked how it feels inside and I said, it felt like rubber reverberating in my stomach. That's about how it feels to me when I think of the little limbs bouncing off each other while it's doing somersaults.
I'm getting excited - finally. I think this has been the pregnancy full of complaints. I was too sick, too tired, too annoyed w/ everything to appreciate a growing baby. Finally the clouds opened up and the sun came out and I passed that magical marker and I fell deep into a narcotic induced high. I still did a lot of complaining up until last week - I was complaining how BIG I got in a week's time and how this has been the longest pregnancy in the history of pregnancies! I've been pregnant all winter, spring and will be all summer!
I'm doing better this week and not complaining too much. I'm enjoying my swelling belly and not having too much achyness in my pubic bone.
Other than complaining about petty stuff - life has been absolutely positively wonderful. Everyone is in good spirits and things have been going swell. You can't ask for more!
So lovely! What a perfect baby bumpie. I am so excited to see you all!
You were BORN to be pregnant, LOL you just seem to glow!
I understand about being sick, though. And that funk that coems with it, its so hard to see the baby at the end of the tunnel when you are feeling totally worn down and cranky.
that is such a great picture! you're lovely! and you are certainly not huge! i'm glad the clouds have parted for you and you're feeling better. thanks for sharing that great photo. (btw, those shoes look so cute! so smart getting the Mary Janes! my clogs feel strictly for fall and winter)
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