Sunday, July 30, 2006

End of the weekend - boring stuff

Weekend has come and gone. How come those two days seem to fly by? The boys had a great time fishing and will probably go again next Saturday. Crispin and I were invited - but I don't know about the getting up at 5 in the a.m. That's a little too early for me and for what? I would just sit there all uncomfortable and wish I was back in my comfy bed. We will see, I know Crispin wants to go and I don't know if Clint would take him w/ out an extra pair of hands to help out.

I've been doing some clothes shopping for the boys and besides not having shoes for them, I think they are done. I'm so proud of my thrifty-ness - I bought S all 5 of his jeans all for under $5 EACH! I shopped at the outlet stores in MO w/ Monica and bought a pair there and then I was given a coupon and so I went to some here and got him a few pairs. They are all different styles so it's not like I bought him the same kind. I bought all his polos for about the same price too. Clint found him a pair of cool looking tennis shoes for $5 and then yesterday we found him a pair of black chucks on clearance for $9. So he has 2 pairs of shoes to start out with BUT the pair he REALLY wants are $50 -- on sale! I'm sorry, I can't pay that much. He's offered to pay for part of them, but Clint thinks that is sad and would like if we didn't make him to that. We will see what we figure out. I have a coupon for 15% off that we can use if we decide to get them for him. I really like them too and would like for him to have them but the price gets me because there is still
Jack to buy for too. Jack is much more pickier and for some reason we never find too many of the things he likes on clearance. You would think his stuff would be a dime a dozen, but it just doesn't work out that way. He's set in shirts but he might be needing pants, but I will hold out and see if any go on clearance after school has started. (Jack found matching shirts for him and Creaky. He asked if he could dress this next baby but I think Creaky would enjoy looking like his big brother more. Now, we are trying to find similar clothes for the two. I am not a fan of sports clothing but Jack is and it makes him happy to see Creaky dress that style) He needs shoes too and I would like for him to have at least 2 pairs because he is pretty hard on his stuff. We found a pair of adidas for him on clearance but they were still almost $40 - too much still. I won't pay a dime if I can get it for a nickel, so hopefully they will get marked down a bit more before school starts and he could have at least one new pair.
I am not in the mood to shop for me at all. I will not be buying anymore maternity clothes and I don't know the shape my body will take on after the baby. Winter will be coming and I will be able to wear loose stretchy clothes and I think I saved a few pants that I got at a clothing exchange after I had Creaky. We will see how long it will take me to get that itch to buy new clothes.

As far as baby things - if we have another boy, he will be set through the winter. If we have a girl, she will be good for about a month or so in unisex clothes. My only big purchase I would like to make would be a sit and stand stroller, but that won't be needed for awhile since I will be able to sling the babe and push Crispin in the stroller. Plus, winter comes and we aren't going out for walks much anymore, so it's not something I must have NOW, but I will be saving up for one later. That's it, I havent' put much umph in preparing for this baby, I figured I only needed an infant car seat and I would be good to go. I have one coming - I should probably get in touch with her soon. I also have a co-sleeper coming - that was something I wanted but didn't want to put too much energy into thinking about getting. You really don't need too much and it seems like everyone is always getting rid of baby things. With S, it seemed like we were the only ones in the world borrowing baby things or buying used. We didn't have that luxury of purchasing every baby item on the babies 'r us list. You don't need half that stuff anyway!

It's time for bed or at least for us to get comfy and watch a movie. I think we are going to watch a documentary called Prom Night in Kansas city or the movie Crash. I'm in the mood for something funny, so we will see.


Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

oooo, i see that dreamy ikea rug on the floor beneath the boys! very cute!

3:51 PM  

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