It's Potty Time!
For the past 3 months Creaky has been playing w/ the idea of NOT using diapers. It started off cute and of course I thought he would lose interest and not show any till almost 3 or so. Needless to say, for the last 2 months we have been playing, "oops, I just went pee on the floor and I do NOT want my diaper on!" So, it's been a bit annoying for me to have to deal with this. I wouldn't have even started him potty training until way later - just wanted a 3 day session and be done w/ it. I also didn't want to go all out with him before vacation and deal with him on the road...i'm too lazy for that sort of upkeep. I thought I would get him his own potty chair if he continued to show interest after our trip. Before leaving on our trip, I heard the most horrible story about a little girl using her potty and then proceeding to walk down the stairs w/ it to show her mother. Can you say, "biohazard suit?" I totally envisioned Creaky doing the same. He has gone poop in the potty a few times w/ out letting us know until after he's done and flushed, so I could totally see him trying to get his chair down the stairs to show us.
Today, I went out and bought him a new package of race car underwear at his request. He has showed in the last 2 days that he really knows what he's feeling when it comes to using the potty. He even did the little potty dance when he realized he needed to pee. We haven't had any wet spots on the floor or surprise dukies either. He hasn't peed at night since he was about 16-18 months old, so I don't even have that as a concern. I guess he's turn that corner and is really done w/ diapers. I will save a few in case he regresses when the baby is born - you hear that story going around all the time too. I'm just happy that he turned that corner and isn't just denying diapers for the fun of it. We will see what the next few days bring.
***Today, he went poop on his own while he was supposed to be taking a rest with me. I thought for sure he was getting in the medicine cabinet and I was just hoping there wasn't anything in there that he could be dying from while I continued to rest. A few minutes later he yelled, "Mom, clean my butt!!" Of course, I jumped up to make sure the poop was where it was supposed to be and it was. He even put his seat on the toilet and tried to pull gobs of toilet paper for me. How considerate! My boy's all growed up!
I forgot to add - At Easter he got Elmo underwear and ever since then when he would ask for underwear he would call them, "elmowear." It's so cute to hear him say that. And it's working again the whole, "don't pee on elmo, it will make him sad!" I used that with S and his barney underwear and it seemed to work. I picked up 2 pairs of blue's clue underwear at a clothing exchange and the other day he peed in them and so we changed him into his elmowear and he said, "don't pee on elmo, make him sad, pee on blue's clues." So funny this kid!
Yeah for potty training! I am happy that you won't have 2 in dipes! I need to send your diapers back to you. I meant to bring them to the reunion, but with that yeast infection they needed some serious care (so far she hasn't been revisited by that!"
That's great. I think that stage is still far off for us. It doesn't even phase Kase. She likes to sit on the pot, but she also likes to carry it around and use it as a stool.
I will call you tommorow, I got busy doing stupid things.
leaner - i am in no hurry for the dipes, unless you have moved on to something else. this baby will be in prefolds for the first few months. tif-do - call me when you can. didn't know if i missed your call since crispin had me doing all sorts of things and also i'm cordless again!
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