Monday, September 18, 2006

It's Official....

The name on the birth certificate reads: Mikaela. We dropped one "L". I thought it would help people say "ella" if we spelled it w/ two L's but it didn't. My mom thought it would confuse the spanish folk into saying the "Ya" as the double LL in spanish is said. Clint liked it with one L best and said I could keep the K or use the C. I decided to use the K. So she is officially named. Just like Alex's human wondered how we didn't come up with a name sooner, it's not like it was sprung on us that we were having a baby. Seriously, we just never got serious about names. We always knew we would name a girl Mikaela but even that name didn't sound good while pregnant. It wasn't until I talked to my mom and told her the other names we were tossing around and heard her reaction to them that we decided for sure on Mikaela. That is the name of her sister that died at infancy. We always told Gra'ma we would name our girl that, but we just kept making boys. I came up with Sol while pregnant and forgot all about it until I told Clint to think of something that reminds him of the desert. That is when I remembered Sol and we agreed on it and that was that.

Also, I think I am moving my blog to I enjoy the picture slide show and I enjoy it better than blogger. I always had a love/hate thing for this place. I don't expect everyone to create yet another password for spaces. But I do hope family and freinds make it there to at least see how the girl is growing and how the rest of us are doing.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Photos for your viewing pleasure

Here's our new space for sharing photos w/ everyone. I used to be so good at taking pictures and posting them, I've slacked off a bit in the last few years. I like the new format of MSN because it has the slide show and you don't have to click for the next photos. So, enjoy our new photos I just uploaded - there will be more to come!