Monday, January 09, 2006

School's in session

Back to school for everyone including Clint. This semester will be a challenge for me. I don't like when he's gone all day. Monday's he will be gone from 8:30-7:30. He will have a break where he will stay at school and study and hopefully check email, so I can keep in touch with him that way. Tuesday's he will be gone 9-6 - another long day. He will be off Wednesdays and do field placement as he was doing last semester on Thursdays and Fridays. He will keep doing Motor Meals on Saturdays from 9-2. So basically we have no time together. Wednesday's I will have a daycare kid and Sundays is when we have church and library. But the bright side of it is that his semester will end middle of April. So, I can handle this for 3 months. I took in a 4 year old who will come 5 days a week - one week on one week off. So, that will be something that will break up the months.

I'm getting so giddy all ready for Spring and Summer. I usually get this way around February, but it's kicked in early this time. Clint was saying that he felt the same way and he usually NEVER feels like wanting winter to be over. He says it's because he can't wait to have a summer like we did last year - one where we are in our new awesome community. The gardens are right behind our house and so we will get a plot and enjoy gardening w/ the other families. It's just fun because at a certain hour of the day everyone comes out of their houses and it's like a big carnival in our back yard and when the street lights go one, everyone disappears. Okay, enough wishing for winter to be over already. It will be over soon enough and then we will be roasting in our no central air place!


Blogger leaner said...

You have patience, such a virtue that I was NOT blessed with. I hated watching kids and if I were to "take on another" it would not be to break up the monotony. It would be because I am insane!

Sorry that Clint is gone so much, I feel like Will is never home even though he has been a lot lately (he is really sick.) I think its because we actually aren't spending quality time together. We will be hiking in a few weekends. WE WILL- not try WILL. I love hiking and am looking forward to it this year.
Superstitions here we come!

10:23 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

Yes, I had those same thoughts but He's a great kid, reminds me of how cool mine were at that age, so I am already feeling very happy with the decision. It should work out nicely for both of us.

Clint came home from school minutes after I posted. So, we had lunch together while the kids napped and he will be going back to school later. I know it won't be like this all the time but it's nice to know he does have the option to jump on the bus and be home in no time flat. I hope Will feels better soon! That's a drag! Also, hope you get some quality time together soon.

12:22 PM  

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