Monday, December 12, 2005

The Sweetest thing...

This weekend was so wonderful. Everything that were big issues in our house, became non-issues because they are all worked out! Thank GOD! We have our food allowance, we all have healthcare plus dental PLUS vision (slade really wants contacts – don’t know if they are covered in our plan but we will see) Crispin’s teeth saga is over, Clint’s done w/ his first semester of his MSW this week. Which leads me to my next oh so sweet moment. At Clint’s former job an autistic boy was one of his employees and Clint became close with him. This boy was funny as heck. He and Clint would spend days just going back and forth w/ silly comments. Clint enjoyed his company most of all while working there. In one of Clint’s classes, he had a project to work on and it was on Autism. He contacted the family of his former employee and asked them if they would be willing to video family members speaking about the many facets of autism, as they have dealt with many. Clint had first asked this guy (he’s not really a boy – 23 years old) if he would come and talk to his class about living with Autism and he said “NO” flat out. So, his mom really wanted to get this information out, so they went about it this way. So – that is background information. All this weekend, Clint worked on making a movie w/ the video from this family and with some of the diary entries the mother took over the years along w/ statistics and some of the most beautiful music (from the “Millions” soundtrack – must see movie) we have. He worked around the clock making this movie to present to his class and to also make copies for this wonderful family. Slade came up to me and was saying how great the movie was turning out and how hard dad had worked on it and what a beautiful thing for the family to have. He finally said, “What I am trying to say is he inspires me to do my best.” It was a fond moment and it will be a defining one in the years to come. All weekend long Slade and Jack were finding cheats and glitches online for their video games and they worked along side Clint down in the basement, but for Slade to come away with that in the midst of gaming – wow! He really has capacity for seeing things beyond his own nose! We bought a bumper sticker from Northern Sun
that reads: It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Makes sense to me and we hope to do just that!


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