Tuesday, November 22, 2005

32 Reasons why I am loved...

The boys wrote this up for me this weekend. I tacked it up so that I’m always reminded to be on my best behavior even when I feel like the biggest grump. I’ve got standards that I need to abide by…

32 reasons we love you!

32. You are so forgiving.
31. You are so calm in times of panic.
30. Without you we wouldn't be alive.
29. You are so nice and understanding.
28. You care for us so much.
27. You do so much for us.
26. You get the happiest for us when we do something.
25. You always remind us of things we have to do.
24. You always make us laugh.
23. You always have good ideas.
22. You will help us out with stuff.
21. You always want to learn.
20. You take such good care of Crispin.
19. You always make the best dinners.
18. You are so thoughtful of other people.
17. You find a hobby and you love it and keep doing it.
16. You are so nice to other people.
15. You are never picky and make use of things you don't want.
14. You always are ready to teach us something.
13. You always are doing something helpful.
12. You always know what to say.
11. You always want to help out.
10. You always are friendly.
09. You always are funny.
08. You always are surrounded by friends.
07. You love us a lot.
06. You always take care of your plants.
05. You always are ready to talk to whomever.
04. You don't have any enemies.
03. You will try anything.
02. You listen to other peoples ideas.
01. You are our mom!


Blogger leaner said...

See what great boys you have!
You are so lucky!

7:23 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

I must be cashing in on my screwed up past! These boys are my reward for working hard on choosing to move on from my hurts - I think. Whatever the reason, I'm pretty happy to be in a gracious space to accept it all for what it's worth. I could still be nursing old wounds and oblivious to what's in front of me. I hope that I can be in their good graces for the long haul and not just till puberty!

10:52 AM  

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