Friday, August 18, 2006

Whistle while you work...

Lately our Jackie has become quite the whistler. He can carry a tune like nobody's business. It's so sweet. He whistles while he makes us all breakfast - blueberry pancakes and chocolate chips. He's mastered that recipe, complete with making buttermilk w/ lemon juice and milk. He whisltes while he waters the garden or taking out the trash. He seems like such a happy boy and I do hope he really is. He's still so shy and avoids many situations if he can. He would rather teach himself how to do something than take a class. While we find it annoying that he doesn't put himself out there, it's kind of admirable to see him find something he enjoys that he takes the time to work on. This year he will not get away with not doing gymnastics. We've already told him he WILL be doing it since his BF will be back in town and he will be taking the same class too. Jack is so flexible and can do hand stands for what seems like minutes. He's our early retirement! No, but I think he is ready for back flips, bars and beams. He did gymnastics for a session but was so shy because he was the only boy and he would turn into a stiff two by four that couldn't get anything accomplished. We let him quit after seeing how much he hated it. I hope this time around he thrives and enjoys it more. He has the body for it, that's for sure. Long, muscular thin body - full of grace. I wonder if he can whistle while he does gymnastics?


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