Raising nuestro ninos - Raising our kids
Someone once said they heard this advice, "Raise children you want to hang out with." When I thought about "hanging out" I thought more about post college kids and having time for long talks when in each others company and having total freedom to discuss any topic w/ out biting my tongue and maybe dad and the boys would have weekly fishing trips or something. You know movie moments at every turn.
It just hit me this past week that it could also mean raising kids that you want to actually hang out with here and now.
A few weeks ago Creaky started turning into a little shit w/ this major attitude. If we told him he couldn't have something he would get really mad and start yelling at us things like "NO - you stop it!" or just plain "NO!" but then he would cock his arm back and act like he was going to hit us and sometimes he would. I was a bit shocked how much moxie this kid had and also a bit unprepared to deal with such attitude. The older boys never had a temperament like Crispin was having and I was beginning to think that we had a monster on our hands and he was going to be the child we needed to call Nanny 911 for.
Clint showed firm and consistent discipline with this attitude. I tried to be firm and consistent but with Clint home he kind of just took the reins and did what needed to be done while I sat back and rested my swollen dogs. Crispin responded well and knew he wasn’t going to get away with too much from either of us BUT especially dad. I have to report this week was a very pleasant week with Crispin. It took him a few days to adjust to NOT saying "NO" to us and he skirted around it by saying "NEE" instead. He hasn’t cocked his arm back to any of us and has responded well to us when we let him know he can’t always have his way. We have been able to keep it at a level where he’s not freaking out because he can’t have this or that. It’s been good in that I don’t mind hanging out with him day to day and I look forward to be alone with him and the baby when everyone goes back to school.
I was thinking about the older boys and how we never tolerated whining and especially fighting with each other. Those are the two things that I can remember they never got away with. Oh and talking back to us!!! For the most part they have been pretty pleasant little men to be around throughout the years. They are pretty good brothers and use some fair tactics to resolve any kind of conflicts that may come up. I had the pleasure of observing them while they were being paid to watch after 2 brothers (3 and 1.5 yrs old) for an hour and a half on Thursday. I was smitten with how they were both able to keep these brothers from fighting over stuff or even hitting one another and they kept them occupied with some pretty fun play. They used words and skills that I know were used with them. Patience was an underlying presence for that time. (where did they learn that??) They have always been good with Crispin but I always thought it was because it was their little brother and he wasn’t going away anytime soon. They have been hired for the month of August one day a week to be babysitters for these boys at our house. S has been called on one or two times a week to take the older boy and play w/ him while the mother gets some stuff done at home. They are so excited for the opportunity. I am excited for them as a mother. Not only do we like hanging out with them but now two little guys get to too and hopefully they will learn a few things from these older boys about being good brothers.
So, yeah, I understand what that saying was meant to mean now. It’s kinda cool to have these little revelations, embrace them and put them to work as best as you can. We aren’t out of the woods yet – another one is on the way and by the looks of it they just keep getting more and more brazen! Ay yi yi – give me strength!
I totally understand that. I want my girls to be the kind of friends that I would have wanted to have. The kind of friend I don't really think I was at all.
That is the MAIN draw I have to Gilmore Girls- the mom and daughter call eachother BEST FRIENDS, and you can see it. I want that. I want Rhayn to feel confident telling me anything and knowing that no matter what I will be there.
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