Sunday, August 20, 2006

Baby names and baby love

As S and I strolled around target talking about possible baby names we had moments of hysterical laughter. It's so crazy because we have not pinpointed a name at all for this baby - not even a first name. S and I were talking about one name and how I have always wanted a letter for a middle name, but dad has vetoed that idea and the idea of a number. Yes, I have always wanted to name a kid a number (more of a middle name) - this was even before "screen names" became a word. We could have ended up with a Rocket Seven Carter or something of that nature in our earlier years. Anyway, S and I said a boy name we like and I said we could just have the letter "J" as the middle name and he said it was the same letter as Homer and Bart had but they didn't know what it stood for. So we laughed because it would be the same here - what does the "J" stand for? In Homer and Bart's case sometimes it stands for Genius or Genuine, S said. I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. These boys are such Simpson buffs - dorks! So, we will see what we end up naming this baby. I'm convinced it's a boy and Clint refuses to acknowledge. Seeing Crispin run around, I can't imagine what having another boy will be like. It's so weird to think about, but we will see. Boys are just as much blessings as girls are even though people keep telling me they want me to have a girl.

Today has been the day for men and women to come up to me and tell how great I look. As soon as I got out of my van today, a man asked me how much longer and how great I looked. I walked into church and got a big hug from Nancy and a "you look beautiful!" I walked into service and then a older couple sat down next to me and asked how much longer and how I looked super. Then when it was time to greet and shake hands (I sat down) a older gentleman shook my hand and whispered in my ear how fine? great? super? (something of that nature) I was looking these days and then kissed my ear! I do remember this happening while pregnant w/ Crispin. Not so much w/ the older boys. I think it's because of A2 being more liberal and people are all about throwing compliments or hate around...don't know. While we were at the family reunion, Jill had her theory on why some people shine and others don't. It's a matter of having girls or boys. She said she thinks the girls suck all the beauty out of mom while boys seem to enhance it. At the beginning of the pregnancy I felt like crap and I know I looked like crap too, but once I got some sun on me, I felt much better. So who knows. I'm curious to see what Britney Spears has, she's looking a bit worn out these days and I look at her and say "girl." but it could also be from her having babies back to back. I don't think her oldest is even a year old. Crazy! I'm feeling fine but boy do my feet hurt! I think it's because I have been wearing flip flops all summer long. I'm not used to wearing shoes w/ no support and especially when pregnant. I don't like wearing my shoes because all my clothes seem to look better w/ flops. I feel like I look like a hobbit when I wear my shoes. It just occured to me that what you wear probably helps in how you appear to people when pregnant. So that is probably more of a factor than having a girl or boy. Maybe attitude too? If you walk around looking miserable then you look miserable and nobody will randomly want to pay you a compliment w/ that attitude? I don't know but I just know my feet are killing me and I should wear my shoes for the next 3 weeks. They mostly kill me at night when I get up 16 times to use the restroom and step on hard wood floors. It will be all over soon, I know.

Oh well. I should get going. I sugared my pickles that gra'ma J gave me and ran over a little gift to the woman who had her baby last week. Crispin is watching a movie w/ S and Clint and Jack were invited to a Tiger's Baseball game. Mrs. T is calling me as soon as she gets home from mass, which is soon. So, I should go and find something good to eat. Jack made some double chocolate cookies yesterday and I have already eaten 2 but should eat a more sensible lunch w/ protein in it. That might help my swollen feet, although they don't hurt today w/ my dansko's...


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